Room 524

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He walked down the hall as he flipped the room card in his hand, and his heart beat hard in his chest. Right now, all he could think about was if his plan would work. If she had gotten his note and would decide to throw everything out the window and give into something she has been fighting for too long.

Elliot unlocked the door to room 524 and flicked on the lights before shutting the door. After looking around the room, he moved to the mini-fridge. He opened it and sighed when he saw a beer, before grabbing it and opening it. He took a long sip, sat on the edge of the king-size bed, and sighed.

Now all he could do was wait.

Nearly an hour later, Elliot's phone rang. He quickly answered it, but frowned when he heard Kathleen's voice instead of Olivia's.

"Hey, kid. What's up?"

"Did she show up?" Kathleen asked quietly. 

"N-no... not yet. I'm not giving up yet," Elliot replied.


"I love her, Kathleen. The last thing I want to do is give up when she may not have gotten the note yet. She's probably busy being a badass, and I can wait a few more hours to see if she comes," Elliot spoke. He stood and walked to the window.

Elliot opened the blinds and looked out onto the street below. He watched as an SUV pulled up, but a man got out of it instead of Olivia. 

"Dad?" Kathleen asked.


"I'll stay with Gran and Eli tonight. If you have to stay the night at the hotel, then you have to. She'll either come by, or call you and let you down easy."

Elliot laughed softly before running a hand over his beard.

"I usually break her heart, so I don't deserve to be let down easily. Now, enjoy your night. I love you, kid."


Elliot waited around for hours. He ordered room service and eventually got tired. He was just shutting down everything for the night when he heard a knock on his door. Elliot climbed out of bed and turned on the lights again before opening the door. On the other side of the wooden door stood Olivia.

She looked at Elliot nervously, and didn't know what to say. Her mouth had gone dry, and her hands shook by her side.

"Liv," Elliot breathed. 

Olivia swallowed hard before looking down at the small bag in her hand. She had packed a few things, but now felt like she may push Elliot to do something that he may not want to. He probably just wanted to talk, yet she read more into it than she should have.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you I was coming, or that I was going to be late. We were dealing with the aftermath of a rape, and I didn't see your note until I was leaving... Elliot, I'm-"

"Don't apologize, Liv. I'm just glad you are here," Elliot said with a soft smile. He stepped out of the way and let Olivia in. Once the door was shut, Olivia sat her bag down and then ran her hands over her pants. Her hands were sweaty and still shaking like crazy.

Elliot walked over to the fridge and grabbed the bottle of wine he had ordered. He opened it before pouring it into two plastic cups.

"I didn't bring my finest crystal glasses, I apologize," Elliot chuckled, as an attempt to break the ice.


"I wanted you to come here because I had to say some things to you. Things that I have been bottling up for way too long," Elliot breathed, as Olivia took the cup from him. 

"Something you couldn't say at the precinct? Or one of our apartments?" Olivia mused, before chugging her wine.

"I didn't want your detectives to hear, or one of our kids. I also didn't want my mother to overhear something if I got lucky," Elliot spoke, his face growing red. 

Olivia sank down onto the edge of the bed where Elliot had sat. She looked down at the carpet before speaking again.

"Tell me, El. Please." 

Elliot ran his hands over his face before taking a shaky breath. He stood and walked to the window.

"The night of Kathy's accident, when I saw you... I could only think about you. I tried to focus completely on my dying wife, but I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful you were. You aged incredibly well, and I feel just as much, if not more, attracted to you," Elliot breathed.

Olivia looked over at him, her mouth opened in shock. She hadn't expected to hear that, but was still wondering what else Elliot had to say.

"Then as things got more complicated, I still couldn't get you out of my mind... Olivia Benson, you stole my heart. I don't know exactly when you did, but I'm feeling like it was back in 1999," Elliot spoke. He still hadn't turned around, since he didn't want to see Olivia's reaction. He took a shaky breath and shook when Olivia's hand was rested against his back.

"Do you love me?" Olivia whispered.

"Y-yeah, I do. More than I think I loved Kathy in years. I cannot get over you," Elliot whimpered. Olivia turned Elliot to face her before cupping his cheeks in her hands.

She locked eyes with Elliot before leaning forward and placing a soft kiss to his quaking lips. Olivia leaned back a bit, but kept her hands on Elliot's face.

"I love you too, El," Olivia breathed, a small smile on her lips. 

"Okay, so-"

"Let me freshen up. I'll be right back," Olivia smiled, before kissing Elliot once last time.


Elliot traced a circle into Olivia's lower back. She was sleeping with her head against his toned chest, and Elliot couldn't help but smile at Olivia's soft snoring. After what they just did, he knew he should be exhausted, too.

Yet all he could think about was laying in room 524 with the woman he loved sleeping against his chest. 

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