Blind Date

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Elliot sighed softly as his hand wrapped around the handle of the door. He was forcing himself into this restaurant, even if he didn't want to. His kids had been on him lately for being lonely, so he joined a dating website for blind dates, and now he was going on his first date since Kathy passed. 

Elliot finally opened the door before wandering to where the host stood. He smiled at him before looking at the reservations.

"Name, please."

"Stabler. My reservation should be a table for two," Elliot spoke weakly. The man nodded before grabbing two menus and walking Elliot to a table near the back of the restaurant. 

It was pretty quiet when Elliot sat down, and he fiddled with his watch and phone until his screen name was spoken. He stood up and turned to face the woman that was standing behind him. 

When Elliot locked eyes with his blind date, he couldn't breathe.

"Elliot..." His date trailed off. Elliot bit his lip before finally speaking.

"I didn't take you for an online dating person, Olivia."

"My detective convinced me to get out and try dating again..." Olivia trailed off. Elliot nodded slowly before grabbing her hand gently in his and leading her to her seat.


They were very awkward around each other, and very few words were shared before the appetizers arrived, and each had drank a full glass of wine.

"So, what detective convinced you to date?" Elliot asked after the server had filled their glasses with wine again.

"Amanda Rollins, I think you met her once before," Olivia replied softly.

"Yeah, the southern blonde."

"She'd probably be more your type," Olivia blurted out. She hated herself almost instantly and felt as her face grew red.

"Liv, I have kids in their thirties, late twenties, and a teenager. I don't want to start over with a woman that is only a few years older than Maureen."

"Elliot, why are you even here? This isn't your type of thing, and you knew what general description when we talked... and you've never been interested in me before."

Elliot frowned as he realized how broken became while he was gone. He had traumatized her when he left suddenly, and showed up in just as crazy of a way.

"When we started talking, I couldn't help but think about how you already seemed so familiar... and that made me want to ask you on a date so bad. But Liv, would you have believed me ten years ago if I told you I had feelings for you? That I wanted to kiss you so bad, but you would never allow it since I was married and had kids?" Elliot mused. 

Olivia felt a lump grow in her throat, and she tried to hide her embarrassment. She was fighting a losing battle as tears burned her eyes. Elliot's hand reached across the table and gently ran his thumb over Olivia's knuckles.

"Olivia, do you want to get the check and just pretend this didn't happen?"

"Are you going to run off again and pretend like I don't exist for another ten years? That we didn't have some connection as we texted back and forth for hours?"

Elliot leaned back in his chair before shrugging.

"There was an undeniable connection, Benson. And if we continue with this date, we can forget about our past for the moment and just focus on the now... maybe the future," Elliot smiled. 

Olivia thought for a moment, then nodded.

"It's Elliot Stabler, right? I'm Olivia Benson," she spoke, her hand reaching across the table to shake Elliot's. Elliot's smile grew, and he nodded.

"That's correct. It's great to meet you, Olivia Benson. Now, I think we should eat these weird pasta things, and then get to know each other more."


The tension faded as the night progressed, and they ended up catching up and getting to know each other again until they were kicked out since the restaurant was closing. Elliot held Olivia's hand as they wandered down the sidewalk and towards Olivia's SUV.

"Is this a onetime thing, or will there be more dates in the future?" Olivia asked as they came to a stop beside her vehicle.

"Do you work tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow night? Elliot-"

"Olivia, do you work tomorrow night or not?" Elliot laughed softly, his hands going to her waist. It was an unconscious movement, and even if Olivia noticed, she didn't say a thing because it felt nice. 

Her life was based on working and taking care of Noah. There had been a few dates, and clearly she had dated Tucker, but she had been alone for years. Feeling a man, feeling Elliot Stabler's hands on her waist, made her feel special and like maybe this won't end in tears and pain.

"If we don't catch a case, I can be out of the office by six."

"Good, so I'll pick you up at seven," Elliot smiled, as he slide his hands down to Olivia's hips and gave them a squeeze. Olivia blushed again, but instead of feeling anger towards the man that left her, she allowed herself to lean forward and bury her head into Elliot's neck. He wrapped his arms around her body and held her closer.

"Is this just casual?" Olivia breathed.

"Are you asking me if I'm seeing anyone else? Or do you want me to be your side beau?" Elliot teased. Olivia laughed softly as she leaned back and shook her head.

"No, if I'm going to be dating you, I'm only dating you. So you either need to be in the same boat as me or just break it to me now."

"Let me just break it off-" Elliot started, as he pulled his phone out and pretended to send a text to his 'side chicks'. Olivia gave him a jab to his stomach as she rolled her eyes.

She turned and unlocked her car, but froze when Elliot grabbed her hips again.

"I'm all yours, Liv. I promise."

"Please don't disappear on me again, okay? I'm giving you another chance, and this is the last chance. I can't be depressed because you broke my heart, especially since I have a son to take care of and a squad to run. Do you understand?"

"Trust me, I understand," Elliot spoke, before turning Olivia around to face him. He brushed a curl away from her face before leaning in and kissing her softly.

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