News Coverage : Part 2

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tashika99 here is the part two you requested nine months ago... I apologize for how long it took me to get around to this. Enjoy!

Elliot walked quietly into Olivia's room, his hands shaking as he shoved them into the pockets of his jeans. After seeing that Olivia was alive, Elliot had gone to the airport to catch a flight back to Italy, but the moment a news report flashed on the screen notifying everyone that Olivia was found, he grabbed his bag and walked out to catch a cab back to the hospital.

"I thought you were leaving?" Fin whispered from where he sat in the corner of Olivia's room. Elliot swallowed hard as he turned to look at Fin. 

"I-i couldn't just leave her again, Fin. She needs me and-"

"She doesn't need the one person who always had her back to leave her again. Just go back to whatever hole you crawled out of," Fin snapped, slightly louder than he wanted to. They both froze when Olivia whimpered from her hospital bed. 

"Nice going," Elliot mumbled. Fin rolled his eyes and walked to Olivia's bed. 

"Baby girl? It's Fin, you are safe," Fin spoke, as he smoothed Olivia's messy brown hair. Her eyes fluttered open, another whimper leaving her throat.

"It hurts," she sniffled. 

"I know, Liv. You'll be okay, it'll get better," Fin reassured her. Olivia swallowed hard, her eyes moving away from Fin and to the man in the corner. 

"L-lewis? No-" Olivia started, but stopped when Elliot rushed to her bedside.

"No, not Lewis. It's Elliot, Benson."


Olivia didn't speak for the rest of the week she was in the hospital. Elliot visited her every day, but she wouldn't even look at him. Not only did Olivia just experience the scariest thing she's ever experienced, she also has to face the man that abandoned her. 

When Olivia was finally released, Fin took her home and Elliot followed them. Once at the building, Fin went inside to check on her apartment, so Elliot climbed into the driver's seat and avoided looking at his former partner.

"Why did you come back?" Olivia whispered, her eyes focused on her braced wrist. Elliot tapped the steering wheel before glancing over at Olivia.

"I was watching the news and saw that you were missing. I got on the first flight back here and hung out until you were found."

"Clearly I'm no longer missing, so you can go away again," Olivia replied.

"N-no, I can't," Elliot replied, as he looked towards Olivia's building. 

"Why not? I wasn't enough to keep you around last time, so why would I be enough now? I don't want to be your little project!" Olivia cried as she turned to face him. Her bruised face was covered in anger, which was a feeling she didn't know if she'd ever overcome.

"Last time I left because I shot and killed a teenager that was the same age as my twins. I wanted to stay and never leave your side, but I couldn't. When you needed me-"

"I have needed you for years, El! I loved you-"

"I love you, Olivia!" Elliot exclaimed. Olivia went silent and took a shaky breath, her eyes moving back to the brace. Right now, she didn't know what was happening. Everything was overwhelming her, and Elliot was just adding to that.

"Go home, El," Olivia sniffled.


"If you actually loved me, you'd just leave me be. Come back in ten years and turn my world upside down again," Olivia huffed. She climbed from the car and slammed the door before starting to sob. Elliot watched from the driver's seat for a long moment before climbing out and walking to where Olivia stood.

He wrapped his arms around her body and held her close as she clung to him. They stood like that until Fin came down, only parting when he made it clear Elliot wasn't welcome there.


Elliot sat in the living room of Olivia's apartment two weeks after she was released. Fin had finally given up on keeping Olivia away from Elliot, especially since someone had to watch her while they finished investigating her case.

"Elliot! When are you coming home?" Kathy asked once she accepted the video call. She had been angry at him for a while so this was the first time they saw each other's faces since he left Italy.


"Elliot, when?! You've been in New York for far too long. She's safe, so come home," Kathy huffed. Elliot frowned deeply as he saw Olivia walk from her bedroom. She gave him a nervous smile as she tucked a wavy piece of short brown hair behind her ear.

"I love and care about you, but I can't come home," Elliot replied.

"What? Elliot, our kids need you and I need you. If you are staying there for a broken version of Benson, you are an asshole," Kathy huffed. 

"She needs me more than anyone else needs me. Kathy, when I got back and saw her again... I realized that life in Italy isn't what I thought it was. I'm happier here... with Liv," Elliot breathed. Kathy's face went red with anger. She stood and shut a door behind her before sitting back down.

She leaned close to the camera as Olivia sat behind the laptop and watched Elliot closely.

"You are leaving me for your ex-partner? The one you left behind because you shot some girl? She has never wanted to be with you, and never will want to be with you. You are my husband, so get your ass back to Italy before I divorce your ass. Do you understand me?" Kathy warned.

Elliot nodded before frowning deeply.

"I'm sorry, Kathy. But this is where I need to be. Send me the divorce papers and I will sign them. But in the end, I'll make sure our kids know I will love them no matter what. That leaving a marriage that felt so forced is the best thing."

"Forced?!" Kathy huffed.

"We were lying to each other, and I think you'll realize that soon. Um, goodbye," Elliot spoke. He ended the call before shutting the laptop.

"You didn't have to end your marriage for me, El," Olivia breathed, as she reached across the table and grabbed his hand gently.

"We may have thought we were happy, but we actually weren't. I missed home too much, and you."

Olivia blushed before standing. Elliot grabbed her waist when she tried to walk away and tugged her onto his lap. Olivia wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek gently.

"Thanks for taking care of me. Even if I hate you for leaving me, I needed you more than anyone else," Olivia spoke before allowing herself to peck Elliot's lips.

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