When A Heart Breaks

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Olivia walked quietly into the squadroom, her face tight from dried tears. The last place she wanted to be was work, but she also didn't want to be at home. She didn't want to be in the apartment that no longer had his items. 

"Morning," Elliot smiled as Olivia sank down at her desk. She kept her head down and swallowed hard.

"M-morning," she whispered, as she wiped a stray tear from her cheek.

"Are you okay?" Elliot questioned. Olivia nodded slowly, her eyes not lifting from her keyboard.

Elliot watched her closely before deciding to let Olivia get settled in before approaching her again.


Hours passed, and Olivia didn't say another word. Luckily, her phone didn't ring, so she didn't have to try to be professional. Elliot continued to watch Olivia, but didn't know what to say. He was even more thrown off about this situation when he stood and saw every item that Olivia's boyfriend had given her in the trash can.

"Okay, so I know you don't want to talk... but I think we need to. All of Brian's items are in this trash can, and I'd like to know why," Elliot spoke softly, as he sat on the edge of Olivia's desk. He didn't want to draw attention to the situation, so he tried to make it look as natural as possible.

"El, leave me alone," Olivia whispered.

"That will not happen," Elliot smiled, as he reached out and gently touched her chin. Olivia tilted her head up to look at him as tears welled in her eyes.

"Please leave me alone, El. I'm begging you. I don't want to talk about this," Olivia whimpered. Elliot's heart broke when he saw Olivia in this much pain. 

"Tonight we are going back to your apartment together. I will make us dinner and we can discuss this all over a few beers and some perfectly cooked steak. Got it?"

Olivia went to object, but she stopped herself. She rested her hand on Elliot's knee and nodded quietly.


"Good. Now I am going to get you some tea and a protein bar. You haven't eaten at all since you got here."

"I'm not hungry," Olivia groaned.

"Does it look like I care?" Elliot chuckled.

"No, because you are a colossal pain in my ass."


Just like Elliot promised, he went to Olivia's apartment after work. He went and picked up some groceries and went straight to cooking once he arrived. Olivia leaned against the counter as Elliot moved around her small kitchen with ease.

"So, how many beers do you have to drink before you start to spill the beans?" Elliot questioned as he sat a few plates on the counter. 

"I'm not drinking," Olivia replied.

"Why not? You love a good glass of wine or a cheap bear," Elliot replied, as he narrowed his eyes. Olivia was being so strange, and he didn't know why.

Olivia stepped away from Elliot and started to set her kitchen table. She placed her beer on Elliot's side of the table beside the one he had been nursing for the last hour. She sat on her side and waited for Elliot to be finished plating what he was calling a masterpiece of a dinner.

"Liv, did you and Brian break up?" Elliot mused. Olivia nodded as tears burned her eyes once again.

"Y-yeah," Olivia whispered, her voice sounding so small. For six years, Olivia had been dating Brian. They were in love, and she thought they were on the same page. Yet now, after putting her heart and soul into a relationship she had assumed would last, she realized they weren't on the same page. They probably never were.

"Why did you two break up? Was it-"

"So I'm pregnant," Olivia blurted out. Elliot froze in his spot, his fork almost to his mouth.

Elliot sat his fork down after a moment and reached across the table, his hand resting gently against Olivia's arm.


"So, all along, it had been our plan. Or I thought it was... But we haven't been using protection. No condoms and I'm not on birth control. Saturday morning I took a test, and it was positive. I was so excited, but he was pissed off at me. He yelled at me and bitch about how I was ruining his life. He..." Olivia trailed off and looked down at her plate.

"Liv, what did he do?"

"Brian wrapped his hand around my throat and slammed me against our bedroom door. I told him to get out once he released me, and it took me grabbing my gun for him to leave."

Elliot frowned deeply and took a slow breath.

"Are you keeping the baby?" He questioned, and Olivia shrugged.

"I guess we will see if I have a miscarriage or not," Olivia replied, her expression growing dark at the thought of losing a baby she had prayed for.


Olivia didn't end up seeing Brian at all during her pregnancy. She didn't know if he was still in the city and she just never noticed him in public, or if he was keeping his distance because he didn't want the responsibility of raising a child he didn't want. A child he actually hated, since it had to ruin what he and Olivia had going.

Elliot stayed by Olivia's side as he helped her mend her broken heart. There were moments when she didn't want to move forward, but Elliot helped to lift her spirits and got her to continue moving towards the finish line. 

"I don't know if Uncle Elliot really shows everyone about how amazing I was during your entire pregnancy. I think I need a bigger title. Something more powerful," Elliot spoke, as he swayed back and forth in Olivia's hospital room. 

She was laying in her bed; her face covered in exhaustion, but a smile was on her lips. It was stretched straight to her eyes, and that was an enormous improvement from eight months before.

"God is already taken, Stabler," Olivia smiled, as a soft whimper came from the bundle in Elliot's arms.

"I think Myla agrees with me. Right, baby girl?" Elliot cooed, as Olivia pushed herself up slowly. She reached her hands out to Elliot, and he hesitantly placed Olivia's daughter back in her arms.

"When you and Kathy kept telling me that becoming a mother would make all my pain fade, I didn't believe you. Especially since giving birth was so incredibly painful," Olivia breathed as she caressed her daughter's cheek.

"That isn't what-"

"I know what you meant, El. But now I believe you two. Brian broke my heart when he left, but now that I'm holding Myla... I can barely remember the anger I feel for her father. I'm so happy now," Olivia smiled. She kissed her daughter's head and snuggled her closer.

Being with Brian wasn't what was in the cards for Olivia. Going through all the pain after the breakup and how tough her pregnancy was, it led her to the absolute best thing that ever happened to her.

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