015: Frozen hearts beating anew

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Everyone is completely absorbed in ther minds today, barely any room for communication since they all disappeared Ilke magicians. I haven't seen anyone, the house is completely bathed in silence that my boots hitting the tiles echo. Events that transpired have certainly placed Isadora and Diavolo on alert and I haven't encountered Azarov yet. I wouldn't place enough emphasis on seeing him anytime soon since he tends to overanalyse every situation.

His mind is magnificent, nothing will ever pull him out of that vortex. The last time I didn't get the opportunity to admire the beautiful forest unfolding outside his mansion. It's peaceful and earthy, the sound of leafs rattling brings a sense of calmness.

The heavy scent of rain overwhelming me, its delicious and reminds me of Azarov. The stress that rattles my bones slowly melt away and for once I forget myself. However, the once blissful house has now turned into a tremor of hatred and vengeance since Sinnius arrived.

Both brothers emit sinister intentions and the reason remains unknown. Azarov never mentioned his past nor did he have intentions to do so. The biggest secret that remains is about Corvina's mother. It's rather daunting since he refuses to even shed a fraction of a memory. There is something evil hanging over it and that's why he chooses to not share it.

When we first met, the golden band on his left hand became an eyesore accompanied with a throbbing sensation spreading all over my heart. Since we returned to his home prior, it gradually started to disappear all together. The urge to dig into his past has never been intense since mines isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows.

It's unbearble to even decipher what his thoughts would be it he ever knew my past. Azarov wouldn't be able to look at without nausea consuming his body. Azarov has kept his past locked away but the arrival of his brother has opened Pandora's box.

"Aren't you beautiful when you are getting lost in your mind?" His thickly laced voice complimented.

His voice is similar to Azarov's and clearly by the smile plastered on his cherry pillowed lips, he appreciates the attention as he walks closer to my side. The dark slacks cling onto his thick thighs, along with the midnight blue formal shirt moulding against his sculptured body. Buttons were undone, revealing the porcelain skin accompanied with dark ink. His hickory waves are dishevelled upon his forehead, falling upon his magnetic chocolate orbs–framing his enchanting aura.

"Pretty words will get you nowhere." I respond, putting distance between us.

He plastered his charming smile. "I wasn't trying to. I'm just paying you a compliment." Sinnius pulled out a pack of cigarettes, slipping one out of the box and in-between his lips. He easily lit the end, inhaling deeply the temporary euphoria it entails before releasing through his nose. Everything seems to focus around the exhale of the nicotine as I breath in the second hand smoke.

"I don't need compliments, least of all from you."

Sinnius redirected his attention towards me, the cigarette hanging loosely between his lips but the grin he displays could never be hidden. Those caramel orbs are deceptive and mischievous. "Now, I think this is unfair."

Crossing my arms as I levelled with him, awaiting a response at his ridiculous words. "You are placing judgement on me purely based on the reactions of my brother and cousin."

The egotism radiates from his entire demeanour and oozes off his lips. "I know them longer than I know you. I trust their judgement and they do not trust you, neither do I."

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