38. Baoshan Sanren

Start from the beginning

"My apologies, Wuxian," Xiaoru said, "I was just messing around. I will not flirt with a baby, I will wait until she is of age first."

Wuxian nodded, "ugh, can we just go?"

"Yes, this way," Xiaoru said and led them inside.

When they stepped inside, they entered the main hall, and a woman with silvery grey hair was sitting there with a scroll in her hand. She had on dark green robes with golden embroidery. Her eyes were also the same color as Wei Wuxian's and Wuxian had very similar features to her. It was definitely noticeable that the two were related.

"Grandmaster Sanren, our guests have arrived," Xiaoru announced

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"Grandmaster Sanren, our guests have arrived," Xiaoru announced.

"Thank you, Xiaoru, you can go ahead and go back to your normal duties," Baoshan said in a soft but demanding tone.

"Yes, Grandmaster," Xiaoru said and left the three with Baoshan.

Baoshan didn't look up from her scroll and spoke out to them, "state your names."

Lan Wangji decided to nudge Wuxian forward to introduce them. Wuxian let out a deep breath before speaking, "Hello, Grandmaster Sanren, it is a pleasure to meet you. The person to my left is my husband Lan Wangji and the person to my right is my brother-in-law, and my husband's older brother, Lan Xichen. I am Wei Wuxian and we traveled together from Gusu to meet with you."

Baoshan finally looked up from her scroll when she heard the name Wei Wuxian. Her eyes widened as she set her scroll down and left her seat. She then made her way over to them, "Wei Wuxian, as in Wei Ying?" She asked now standing in front of him.

"Hello, Wai Po," Wuxian said as he now remembers her face as clear as day. Seeing her standing in front of him made his heart burst and he felt tears forming, "it's been a long time."

"My A'Ying," Baoshan said as she pulled him into a hug, "my sweet grandson, it has indeed been too long. You have finally found your way back home."

"I did, and I had some help," Wuxian told her.

Baoshan pulled out from the hug and looked at the two Lans, "Husband and brother-in-Law," never thought that history would bring Lans back to Celestial Pass.

"Wai Po, there is a lot we want to talk about," Wuxian said.

"Of course, but you all must be tired," Baoshan said, "you traveled a long way."

"Mnn," Wuxian nodded, "is my room still in the same place?"

"It is...and it is a little bit bigger since you were last here. Let me walk you to your rooms," Baoshan said.

"Thank you," Wuxian said and they began to follow her, "can I ask you something while we walk?"

"Sure?" Baoshan replied.

"Was there bad blood between my parents and the Jiang family?" Wuxian asked.

"Not that I was aware of, why?" Baoshan asked stopping in her tracks and looked at her grandson, "what happened?"

"Well, there was only one person who was kind to me there but she was not strong enough to stand up to her mother...she was very abusive towards me and treated me worse than a servant. I still have scars from what she put me through," Wuxian explained, "I just wanted to ask if you know if her or not."

"Of course I did not know," Baoshan said now getting angry, "if I would have known, I would have placed you in a much better location. I want you to tell me everything...even to how you ended up with a Lan for a husband."

"It was actually an arranged marriage but we ended up becoming soul bonds in the process. It seems that fate still was kind to me in some way as I got placed in a better home. They helped me get back on my feet and they are the best people I have ever met," Wuxian explained.

Baoshan smiled and looked at Wangji, "you are married to my grandson," she said, "good choice...your parents?"

"Our father was Qingheng Jun, but he passed away. My brother and I were raised by our Shufu Lan Qiren," Wangji answered, "we do not know much about our mother."

"Lan Qiren...been a long time since I heard that name," Baoshan said with a sly grin on her face, "but I can help you look more into your family history."

"Really?" Wangji asked.

"Yes," she said and looked at Xichen, "you came to help them?"

Xichen nodded, "I did. Wangji sent me letters from time to time and I was a bit worried as the trip was getting troublesome...A'Ying's Memories were wiped as a child and he started getting them back while in the trip. I just wanted to make sure the two were okay...even though they are immortals."

"They reached immortality through becoming soul bonds. You have yet to reach that point. Are you with anyone?" She asked.

"I have a wife and child back home, yes," Xichen said.

"You two have not had a moment together like that yet huh," she pointed out.

"We will, we do love each other and we have a lovely daughter to show for it," Xichen said, "plus my wife isn't much into cultivation."

"I'm sure we find find something to help you both," Baoshan said, "for now, I want you three to rest and then we can all sit down to talk about everything tomorrow. You must be exhausted from your journey."

The three nodded and continued on to their rooms. Wuxian was back in his old room and Wangji of course, shared with him. Lan Xichen was just in a room across the hall. After such a long day, they had meals delivered to their rooms and then they went to sleep shortly afterwards.

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