Chapter 20

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The pressure of raging Yokai surrounds the area. Kagome, Miroku, and Sango all shuddered knowing the danger that was coming. Even Inuyasha looked uncomfortable though was trying to cover it up with an annoyed facade.

Standing before them was a very upset demon lord. Though you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at him. Luckily, or maybe not, sesshomarus yokai was flowing out of him in raging waves.

"Why do you care, huh?" Inuyasha taunted with a weak sneer "You're the one that left for days without telling us anything"

Sesshomaru's face twisted slightly into a snarl, poison dripping from his claws "shihiro is capable of taking care of himself. You foolish beasts are the ones that upset him with your actions. See past your greed for a jewel, a living clay pot, and a half-souled miko"

With a slash of his claws, Sesshomaru sent Inuyasha flying through the air. While the humans ran to make sure Inuyasha wasn't hurt too much, Sesshomaru kept towards town.

I laugh listening to Shippo tell me and Rin stories of what happened during their travels since we last saw them "It was terrible Hiro! Inuyasha wouldn't leave those poor villagers alone. Kagome had to 'sit' him twice for us to finally leave!"

Shippo crossed his arms and shook his head. The sight reminded me of a grandfather scolding his grandkids.

Rin giggled, munching on the biscuits we ordered "It's like when lord Sesshomaru has to hit Grandpa Jaken to get him to stop talking!"

I laughed more, the thought of comparing the demon lord to a human was hilarious.

"I would rather not be compared to that excuse of a miko, Rin"

Hearing that all-too-familiar voice made me and Rin pause. I had my back to the entrance of the little shop, so I didn't see him yet.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin cheered, waving happily from her seat in front of me.

There was a beat of silence then I felt a pay on my head, shaking me from my shock. I lean my head back to look up at the demon lord who has been missing for the past four days.

"Hello Shihiro" he greeted softly, his hand moving to rub the slight redness that was under my eyes from crying earlier.

"Hello Sesshomaru....." I breathed, moving to the side so he could sit beside me.

"Welcome back, Lord Sesshomaru" Shippo greeted and bowed his head respectfully.

"I hope your small trip was beneficial" I spoke lightly, taking a sip of my mint tea. I feel my cheeks heat up when the lord's fluff curls around my leg under the table.

Sesshomaru hummed, watching Rin and Shippo start a small game of rock, paper, and scissors over the last biscuit. His fluff squeezing my leg in what could be reassurance.

"I apologize for the long wait. It was an urgent matter"

"May I ask what the matter was?" I muse.

"Dealing with imbeciles that don't know how to run my lands" Was his reply and I left it as that.

We spend the rest of our time watching the kids in silence. Like Sesshomaru had never left. I take my time to drink my tea, enjoying this moment before any chaos can begin.

"Shi-kunnnnnnnn" Rin sang, sliding off her chair to come over to my side. I turn my full attention to the cutie.

"Yes, Rinnie bearrrrrrr?" I sang back watching her start to tug at my sleeve while bouncing on her heels.

"Some of the older girls were telling me about a seamstress in town who makes the most beautiful kimonos! Can we go? Can we can we can we" Her tugging became more insistent by the time she started begging.

"Well...... we're gonna be busy the next day or so. How about we go once our little mystery is solved? Then you can have me all to yourself for a day" I look to Sesshomaru "with you back. We can get this done now, ne?" I tilt my head

"Everything will be solved by morning" Sesshomaru agreed with the confidence only a demon lord could have.

And with that. A night of mixed emotions was about to commence.

A/N: I am struggling just a bit with the next couple of chapters, BUT I'm excited cause ya goyl has written another perfect delulu scene for you Sesshomaru lovers in the next chapter

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