Chapter 4

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"What? Hold on. What do you mean by choose?" I stared down at miyoga.

"I mean. Between the male demons before you, choose a mate"

Silence. It was so quiet, you could hear the crackle of the fire wood.

"W-w-wha-what?!?!" Kagome burst out, jumping to her feet "hold up mister! I will not just sit here and watch you force my friend to choose a 'mate' that's inhuman!"

"um just a reminder kagome. we aren't human, remember?" miyoga stated, jumping off my shoulder.

kagome grew an irk mark and squashed miyoga with her foot "shut it you!"

I watched the scene silently, waiting for kagome to cool her rage.

"you ok now?" I murmured as kagome slowly sat down beside inuyasha.

"yeah..." she sighed deeply.

"ok. now that the commotion is settled. Shihiro, you must choose between master inuyasha and lord sesshomaru" miyoga pointed between said demons.

"hey. cant he have sometime to get to know the two first? i mean he barely met them" kagome pointed out.

"kagome does have a point miyaga" sango mused. miroku nodded in agreement.

"well then.. ah yes! I have an idea. how about this. Shihiro stays with inuyasha for sometime then he switches to sesshomaru when they bump into each other during their travels" miyoga suggested.

"do you agree to these conditions, inuyasha?" inuyasha nodded in annoyance "sesshomaru?" sesshomaru gave a slight nod "Shihiro?"

all eyes were one me when my name was mentions. I felt my face heat up from all the attention.

"err can I have sometime to think about it?" before I could get an answer, I got up and ran out of the hut, into the forest.


"gah! why me?! choose a mate? how am I supposed to choose between two...good cool... demons....what am i talking about?! oh my god. am i falling for them?!" i scream out, walking along a river.

"maybe I can try and go back to well and go back to my time? nah. I like it here. oh maybe I can go off and find another village?"

"oh no your not!" I felt a muscular arm circle around my waist. I squeaked loudly, turning my head to see inuyasha staring down at me "you leave and kagome will have my head.....and I wont have a chance for a mate" he mumbled the last part but  I didn't catch it.

"w-what?" I stampered out.

"nothing! just forget it" he sighed, leading me back to the village with his arm firmly around my waist, making me blush a bit.

"u-um. c-can you let go of my waist....?" I mumbled shyly.

he paused a bit, then continued to walk "no"


OK. so I agreed on the 'who I'm staying with' deal. watched sesshomaru leave with this 'imp', as they called it, named jaken, a girl named rin and a two headed dragon named Ah-Un.

jaken didn't really like me at first, until miyoga told him of what I am, then he started bowing and chanting out of 'how grateful he was to meet me and the I should choose lord sesshomaru'.

now its been a few days after that day and kagome finally said we could travel now, pleasing inuyashas impatient ass.

"alright! lets get this show on the road!" kagome cheered, leading her bike to the entrance of the village.

I gigled softly, following behind her with the others. shippo and kilala were perched on my shoulders. snago and miroku were walking calming beside me. inuyasha was speed walking infront of the whole group.

"hurry up guys! the more time we waste, the less time we have to find the jewel shards!" inuyasha hollered as he reached the top of a hill.

"dont be in such a hurry inuyasha!" kagome yelled back, sounding annoyed.

"does this usually happen?" I asked miroku.

"yeah. then act like an old couple" miroku mused.

"i heard that you perverted monk!" inuyasha yelled.

I blinked, staring a inuyasha "is he part blood hound?"





mikoku and shippo started laughing. snago let out some snikered and kagome giggled.

"what did you just say!" inuyasha yowled, charing at me. I squealed in fright, running behind miroku.

"you little runt!"

"kagome! save me!"

"inuyasha! sit boy!"


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