Chapter 18

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After spending the rest of the day going around town with the others and speaking with the people, we met back in the room that was lent to us by Megumi. Sesshomaru and Jaken were still not back from where ever they had gone off to.

"Well from what we gathered" Miroku began once we all settled are the room "It's all the same story. 3 weeks of fog, A demon woman, and all the men disappear in a night"

"Plus no one had a proper description of the demon because of the fog and none of the women interacted with her just the men" Kagome added, messing with the hem of her pajama shirt.

"There's no scent either since this happened months ago" Inuyasha complained, lounging back in his corner.

"So we're at a standstill" I sigh.

"Well we do have a small hint "Miroku mused, gaining our attention "The demon left all the boys under a certain age. That can narrow our search down by some"




This was more difficult than I thought.

"How can a town full of people just lose half their population in a single night?" I mumble to myself as I walk through the town's market. some traveling merchants have come, so I decided to take a small break from our mystery hunt to browse.

'It doesn't help that Sesshomaru and Jaken haven't returned yet either. It's already been three days too. at least I know he'll be back I half-heartedly scan through a small trinket stand 'he left Ah-Un and Rin. So he'll definitely be back for them'

"Something got you down, mister?" The lady working the stand questioned where she watched me pick through a couple of things.

"hm? oh. sorry. just thinking, don't mind me" I reassure her with a strained smile.

She didn't look convinced but didn't say anything else as I bought a couple of things Rin would like.

I began walking again after pocketing the items and thanking the lady. I watch the people of the town go on with their lives. As I continued with my walk and people-watching, something was tugging at my brain that something was wrong. The woman bustling around shops, cleaning, hanging out wet clothes, and little girls running around playing.

'Where are the rest of the kids?' I frown, changing my direction to our temporary home. I get back to the main room we've all been staying in "Guys?"

The majority of the group was already there, just missing the kids which I was honestly glad they weren't here.

"Hiro? I thought you would be out longer?" Kagome looked over at me from her spot next to Sango.

I shook my head, making my way over to them, and motioned for the others to listen "I was but I noticed something"

I rub my hand over my face, trying to sort through my thoughts "Have you guys noticed anything strange with how the people are acting?" I watch them think over my question.

"Well... the women don't seem to be acting like they've lost their husbands, fathers, and sons" Sango mused, glancing out the window to her left.

"That is true but maybe they've also just accepted that the men won't return?" Miroku argued lightly.

"Just get on with it!" Inuyasha growled impatiently.

I roll my eyes "But not all the sons were taken! there were several boys scattered around when we first arrived. but I haven't seen any of them since. none playing outside or with any of the mothers" I stress as they all look out the window to observe.

"The only one that we've been seeing consistently is Megumi's son, Meiji. not even her other two sons she spoke about" I continue when they look back at me.

"I think Megumi hasn't told us the whole truth"

A/N: here's a lil chappy chappy for my birthday today 😌😌 hope y'all are enjoying the story so far! I'm gonna be busy the next few days so the next chapter will be out sometime next week!

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