23. Letters

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Continue from the previous part......

And tickled her until her eyes watered. And then she collected them in her warm hug, and in the same posture, they drifted into sleep.


And again, a pleasant day broke in Ayodhya, and the Suryadev rose from the mountains. And the Saryu River shone like melted gold, flowing along the banks.


The chamber was lit low, welcoming the rays through the curtains. And the cool breeze, sweeping the curtains off.

Four of them lied on the mattress, with the blanket covering their bodies. They looked beautiful even though they were sleeping.


Sita woke as the rays fell on her face. She opened her lashes, adjusting the light around her. Her silky waves just danced on her face, adding a little more beauty.

Then her soft gaze fell upon the cute figures lying at her sides, her Raghuvar to her left, peacefully sleeping, as his handsome face was buried into the crook of her neck.

Kush to her right, clinging to her body, and a thin stream of saliva dripping onto her saree. And the lovely Luv, atop her while his head rested on her chest.

She just admired them without a blink, her lips forming a smile.


A soft call erupted from her lips.

She called him again without getting any response.

She called him again.

He mumbled and shifted a little, burying his face into her neck. His warm breath brushed her skin, making her shiver.

She called him again in her shaky voice, as she was getting uncomfortable with his closeness.

"What happened, Sitae?"
He asked her lazily, moving closer to her.

"Arya, it's morning."
She said this while moving away from him.


As she was about to get up, his strong arms fastened around her slim waist, pinning her to the mattress, and her eyes widened in horror.

He then moved close to her ears and whispered to her.


His cold voice made her shiver while her cheeks turned red. He then moved a little closer and planted a loving kiss on her neck, for which she scrunched her eyes tight, letting out a gasp.

He then moved along her neck, planting tiny pecks, and whispered to her, "I love you, Sitae.", in his deepest voice. She then shifted a little, pushing his face away as she blushed.


He then hovered over her, pulling her face to make her look at him.

"Sitae, do you love me?"
He asked, kissing her cheeks softly.

Hearing him, she looked away.

"Tell me, Sitae."

"Ahm... hmm..."
She hummed as her lips formed a shy smile.

He asked her again, caressing her soft cheeks.

"You love me, na?"
He asked childishly.

For which she let out a soft chuckle.

"Tell me, Sitae."
He whined.

She then flicked her gaze around, searching for an answer, but his naughty mind never settled silently.

Ramayan The least I expectedWhere stories live. Discover now