17. Photo Album-II

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Continue from the previous part.......

"Ok, now it's over. The rest of it will be continued at night."
Ordered Sumitra.

"No! It had just started."
The kids whined.

Watching them, everyone smiled.


And the pleasant day ended in laughter; the sun had set to the west, and Ayodhya was covered under a blanket of twinkling stars.

The chamber echoed with tiny footsteps running all over.

"Luv! Get down or you may fall!"
Warned Sita as she was drying her silky hair.


"Ha ha! Ravan, it's your end today!"
Roared Kush, pointing a wooden sword towards Taksh.

"Ram, just count your days!"
Taksh let out a monsterous laugh while standing on the aasan with Luv.

"Luv-Kush, it's enough; go and change up your clothes."
Commanded Sita.

Said Kush.


"Maa, Kush Bhaiya, always used to play Pitashree's role; he would never give me a single chance!"
Luv whined while pointing towards Kush.

Kush just looked at Sita, expressionless.

"Then which role are you playing?"
Asked Sita.

"They always give me the chance to play your role because I look like you."
Luv complained while crossing his arms.

Sita just smiled at his silly complaints.

"Kush! You should give him a chance too."
Said Sita.

"Ok, next time you will be playing Pitashree's role."
Declared Kush, giving away the sword.

Luv's face lit up.


"What's going on in here?"
Asked Ram while entering the chamber.

"Bade Pa!"
They all screamed in unison.

"We have all been waiting for you."
Said Shrutsen.

"For what?"
Asked Ram playfully.

"Because Dadi Maa had told us that she would be continuing the album."
Said Pushkal while holding a wide smile.

"Ok, Ok! All of you get there; I will be reaching there in a minute. "
Said Ram while snapping his fingers.

And the kids dashed outside.


"Arya, why did you get here this late?"
Asked Sita while taking away his crown.

"You look beautiful, Sitae!"
Exclaimed Ram.

"This is not the answer to my question."
Said Sita, giving him a side eye.

"That's nothing; it was just an important meeting about taxes."
Said Ram while removing his utariya.

And moved to the changing room, grabbed a towel, and got back to Sita. His well-toned body shone like gold in the dim lights lit inside the chamber.

Her soft gaze just scanned his every detail while a pink hue covered her cheeks.

"Go, what are you waiting for?"
Asked Sita while hiding her blushing face.

"Just to see my wife blush."
Saying so, he left. His cheesy words made Sita red.

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