29. Unsolved Mystery

194 5 14

Continue from the previous part......

And everyone just sat anxiously, waiting for them.



Sita just sat on the bed as everyone surrounded her; her gaze was just stuck on Ram as he moved around the chamber worriedly.

"Putri, are you okay?"
Kaushalya asked while she caressed her cheeks.

"Yes, Maa."
Sita spoke while a bright smile appeared on her lips.

And then her gaze fell upon Ram, moving around the chamber worriedly.

"Arya, aap chintit na hoyiye." (Don't worry, Arya.)
Sita spoke while Ram turned his gaze to her.

Ram just looked at her with soft eyes; his eyes lingered with pure love and devotion towards her, and a light smile played on his lips.

He spoke, and suddenly the twins dashed inside the chamber.


Both of them screamed in unison and settled themselves at her feet.

Sita just looked at them all, confused, and placed her palm on their heads, blessing them.


"Bhabi, where did you get those flowers from?!"
Lakshman asked while his fingers fisted into her saree.

She asked innocently.

"Those roses that were kept on the table."
Shatrughn spoke in concern.

"What's wrong with them?"
Urmila asked while she moved closer to Sita.

"That's what's causing trouble."
Lakshman roared.

"What do you mean?"
Kirti asked while she scrunched her brows.

"Bhabi, just tell me, from where did you get those flowers?"
Lakshman asked hurriedly while he stood up, and his fingers just curled around the sword's handle.

"Hmm... Kama..."
As she was about to say, he interrupted in between.

"I knew it!"
Lakshman roared out of anger and sprang outside the chamber, leaving everyone confused.



Kamalnayan just sat before the mirror and admired herself.




"Who's it, come in."
She spoke while she slid the bangles to her wrist.


*Knock *


"Oh, ho, ab kaun aaya hain?" (Oh, ho, who has come now?)
She spoke to herself in an annoying tone and moved towards the door angrily.


(The door creaks open)


She winced as she fell to the ground with a loud thud.


A voice spoke in a fit of rage.

"What... what... are... you..."
She stammered as she crawled away from the people standing before them.

Lakshman and Shatrughn stood before her, their eyes burning with the fire of hate and anger, while Lakshman pointed his sword towards her neck.

Ramayan The least I expectedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora