7. Is It All Over Again?

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Continue from the previous part......

The sun was setting, and the dusk broke.
And the palace was again filled with happiness as the conch shells and kettle drums were heard.


A beautiful rath halted in front of the palace of Ayodhya with some soldiers and some more raths. The Mithilian banner gracefully stood on top of those raths and fluttered with the cold breeze, as did the beautiful white horses attached to it.

Ayodhya was decorated, as it was a grand celebration. The streets were lit, and so was the palace. Not a single corner was left undecorated. The evening felt like the sun rising. Ayodhya was decorated in such a way that even the moon became pale in front of it.

It was a grand celebration, not a common one, because it was the heavenly union between two great souls, some uncanny emotions, and itself an incomparable relationship.


As the raths were parked, the guests were welcomed. They were welcomed in the most adorable way, with due respect and gratitude.

Maharaj Janak and Sunaina were given the most comfortable chambers and were welcomed heartily. They were dear friends of Dasharath, but most probably they were the great parents of the kulavadhus of Ayodhya and the in-laws of Dasharath putras.


Ram, along with his brothers and Mata's, went to their chambers to meet them.

As Ram entered the chamber, Janak and Sunaina stood awestruck. Because he was not that Ram that they had seen years ago, his face had a new energy, and his voice had a new power.

Ram: Maharaj, Maharani, with your arrival, now I am complete.
He said this while taking his blessings.

Janak: Ram, nice to see you again with a whole new start.
He said it in his most loving tone.

Janak's eyes were just searching for his daughter, whom he lost in front of him; the disastrous event just scrolled in his vision. Not being the blood daughter, he loved her the most-his piece of heart, his power, and his pride-as the world called her Janak Suta, or being called Janaki.

The bonds they shared will be more than a human father-daughter relationship.


As some time passed, everyone made themselves comfortable, chattering and talking.

But their real goal for their arrival had not yet been completed.

Then Ram slowly stood up, holding a smile.

Ram: I will be back in sometimes.
Said Ram and slipped away, leaving everyone.


He paced towards his chamber, taking large steps, and within a few minutes he reached his chamber. He slowly opened the door, pushing the flaps; his soft, loving eyes just searched for Janaki.

Ram: Sitae!
He called her moving around.

But there was no reply. "Sitae!", he called her again, but there was again no response. His soft black eyes raked around the chamber, finding Sita.
He was turning restless; his breath turned uneven, and at last his gaze fell upon a beautiful dark figures standing before the window.

Within no time, his steps moved towards her, and his gaze was fixed on her.

He then moved closer to her and held her shoulders with his strong arms.

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