31. The Avid Revenge

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Continue from the previous part....

While miles away from this heavenly place, Ayodhya, a fire was lit to be turned into a forest fire.

*Monstrous laugh*

"Your happiness seems to have come to an end."
A monstrous grin.


A dark figure just rested upon the vine swing while a born fire was lit, illuminating the tiny patch of land between the woods.

The full moon illuminates the dark sky. A few men lied around in circles, chatting something while their shadow cast upon the trees.

A voice came while a goblet crashed down the floor as it rolled towards the fire, spilling some wine, which drew their attention.


"The princess seems to be angry right now."
A voice spoke while everyone turned their gaze, and giggles were heard.

Another man spoke jokingly while a slight laugh erupted, lighting up the mood.

When a voice came thundering, it settled them into silence.


"Shut up! You both."
Surpanakha raised her voice while narrowing her gaze towards the people lying around the born fire as she angrily tugged herself to sleep while the men shared a puzzled look.


"Nothing had happened since we had been here, right? while Princess just kept herself busy plotting a plan."
Agrasura spoke while he stretched lazily as he moved around his drowsy gaze.

"Yah, last time she tried killing that princess... mmm... what was her name?..."
Another man spoke while he tried recalling when another replied.


"Yah, Sita! But she had been saved, right?"
Durasura exclaimed surprisingly.

"Hmm... she seems to be divine."
Agrasura spoke, agreeing with him, while another Rakshasa spoke questioningly.


"Isn't she's that Ram's wife whom Maharaj Ravan forcefully kidnapped by tricking her and had fallen prey to the hands of death?"
A Rakshasa spoke who, was the youngest among them.

Durasura agreed while the war scenes flashed before him.

"But what he did was wrong, as he laid his hands on Mata Lakshmi..."
The young Rakshasa lowered his voice.

"Whatever he did was to uphold his sister's dignity... You are too young to understand... boy..."
Durasura spoke while he patted his back.


"I think he had been with Vibhshan..."
A Rakshasa spoke, looking at him, while the younger Rakshasa spoke without the slightest fear.

"It was the princess's fault too, who desired a married man as she tried seducing him, which led her to lose her nose and become noseless."
He joked while others laughed.


Roared an enraged Surpanakha while she knocked their heads.

Cries erupted following light giggles.


"Whatever my brother did for me, he had been a good brother. As my dignity was important to him, you would never understand, and now it's my duty as a sister to get him justice."

She spoke while she gritted her teeth as she hated Sita to her core.


"Again, Princess is up to something..."
Durasura whispered.

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