Season 1 Episode 1: Welcome To The Old World Near Hell!

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Date: ??/??/2018

"The Sad Truth Is: This World Is Not Equal. Nothing About This World Is Heroic." 


Date: July 5th 2006

A woman closed the door to a house, muffling the berating sounds of her, recently, ex-husband. The woman walked a few feet away from the building, her fingers interlocked with her young boy's hand, under the cover of the starry night sky, the moon hiding half its body behind thick clouds.  "Mommy?" the young boy muttered, tugging on his mother's clothing. 

"I-I'm sorry...buddy. I never wanted you to see your father like that," the mother cried, her heart broken with her head spinning rapidly. 

"Mommy, who's that?" the young boy asked, once again tugging on his mother's clothing.

  Huh?  The woman thought to herself, turning to her left, allowing her to face the road, only to see a male, close to about 18 years of age, dressed in all black walking towards them. "I...I don't know sweetie. It might be one of your father's friends. Let's just get out of here." The Mother tightened her grip on her son's hand and began walking away, however didn't get far before the man called out, asking her to wait.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I have to get home and get Jimmy, here, asleep," The Mother tried to explain, but her words fell on death's door. 

"Oh please," The man raised his right arm revealing a handgun sitting in the palm of his hand, "This doesn't have to be hard. I just need your money," The man spoke, his voice slightly high-pitched and shaky. 

"M-Mommy!" The boy cried out, hiding behind his mother's leg. 

"P-Please, don't have to-"

"No, I'm sorry, but I do. Now hand over some cash," The man interrupted the woman, closing the distance between them with each step. 

"I...I don't have cash...I...I'm sorry, please just let us go..." The mother tried to explain, her voice beginning to break as she held her kid tightly. 

"Now see, I...I have a really hard believing that!" The man yelled, raising his arm, pointing the gun towards the woman. 

"Mom, no!" The little boy shouted, pure fear residing within his voice.

 "Please, we can find another way, I promise, just please don't do this...not...not in front of my son..." The mother attempted to plea with the man.

As the streetlamp began to flicker, the man took one final step towards the woman, finally making within arms reach. "Final chance, please, I don't want to do this," the man stated, his hand beginning to shake. The woman looked towards the ground, and then towards her hands. She stayed like that for a few moments before coming to terms with the reality of her situation.

 With one quick stroke, the woman attempted to slash the man's face, hoping to buy her son time to escape and maybe, just maybe, live, however that didn't happen. Before the woman could even come close to the man's face, she felt her body go numb, before eventually collapsing to the ground.

Blood trickled from the woman's chest, seeping into her once-pristine white clothing. "M-M-Mommy!" she heard her boy cry. God, how scared was he? The mother weakly cupped her stained hands around her mouth, tears streaming down her eyes. 

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