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Third person pov

Rose's eyes fluttered open as she took in her surroundings. She was tied to a chair with her hands tied behind her. The room was dark and cold as the sound of dripping water echoed through the building.

Where was she? Why was she here? How did she get here? He minded was flooding with questions she couldn't answer.

Trying to calm herself, she took in a deep breath. 'Okay Rosè close your eyes and try to remember what happened the previous night,' she told herself.

She closed her eyes and tried to picture where she was the previous day.

'Okay, I went to see Mark after he requested that we meet. While at the hotel, I talked to mom, and then Mark showed up. We talked, and them I got mad over the deal he tried to make with me and stomped out.

When I got to my car in the parking lot, my vision started to blur, and my head was spinning. That's when I passed out and....ark he caught me.

But that doesn't explain why I passed out clearly. Mark kidnapped me, but how?' She tried to go back and focus on every single detail starting from when she got inside the room.

Then it clicked. 'The wine!' She shouted in her head. 'He must have drugged the wine before and got there and placed it back'.

She cursed. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps sounded from a short distance. She closed her eyes and pretended to still be unconscious.

The person stood in front of her now. They didn't say anything as if they were looking for something on her body. It's not that she was bugged, was she? "Did you get rid of the tracker that we found in her purse."

There were two of them now. The voice that spoke came from far away, though they must have just gotten here.

Rosè had already figured out who it was, though. Mark. What's he planning? Why did he kidnap her? Although she was of use to him, what good use would it be when Jimin starts tearing down the city looking for her the minute he found out she disappeared. 

"Yes, boss," the other guy replied. Mark didn't say anything in response. Just as the room fell quiet, she thought they might have left, but she suddenly felt a splash of cold water on her face trickling down her body.

She gasped, trying to catch her breath as the coldness consumed her. Mark smirked down at her, a curious look on his face.

He grabbed her by the cheek and lifted her head so she was looking up at him. He leaned his face closer to her so only they could hear them own conversation.

"You're finally awake?"

"Why am I here?" she quickly blurted out. He let her cheeks go as he regained his position. "Why. Am. I. Here?" She repeated in a more demanding tone.

"I'm trying to decide whether to tell you or not. After all, you did have a tracker on you." Rose didn't know how a tracker got in her purse, but she had a certain someone in mind.

"I swear I don't know how that tracker got there." Mark snickered. "Now that's foolish. How do you not know how a tracker got in your purse? Someone either put it their or you planned it together."

"Well, I definitely didn't put it there, and I have no idea who would." Mark observed her for a second before speaking. "It would ruin pmy plan if I were to tell you why I kidnapped you, so I think I'll keep my secret for a bit longer."

"I don't see what the purpose for kidnapping me is. Jimin is probably tearing the city apart piece by piece looking for me right now!"

She yelled after him as he turned his back and began walking out. "Tape her mouth." He said before disappearing behind closed doors. "No! No, please!! Dont!" The man from earlier came up to her with a piece of tape in his hand.

He was a it tall but still not nearly as tall as Mark. He had black curly hair and a cross necklace around his neck.

Rosè wasn't sure if he should be wearing it after all the sins he's committed in his life. She doubt if he even went to church to repent.

He taped her mouth shut with the tape. As she kicked and shifted in her seat. All you could hear now was her muffled screams.

Sorry it's. Abita shorter than usual but here you go hope you enjoy don't forget to vote and comment.

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