The Ultimate Battle Part One

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Hello everyone. Here I am again. With the first chapter of the sea battle. I hope you all enjoyed it. Just a note. To some of those who have sent ideas, I will be using them in an alternate story, just so you all know if that's okay.


Lo'ak struggled to find a source of air. He saw Roxto and Atuiko trying to swim back to him through the kelps. But he heard a submarine coming and looked towards them. Shaking his head, he signalled: Go. It's coming. I'll be fine. But the boys refused to leave. Go! He implored and started swimming the other way and the other submarine started following him instead. The boys tried to follow him but a crab suit forced them to take cover again.

Sylwa and Tsireya dodged crab suits when suddenly a submarine shot a float torpedo. It pierced the back left fin of Tsireya's ilu and it squeaked as it was lifted up the surface. Tsireya slipped off. The crab suit suddenly made a grab for her when Sylwa rode back and pulled her to safety. But they were running out of air.

Lo'ak was running out of her air. A crab suit was just about to grab him when the bubble spirits came out of nowhere and blocked the windscreen, giving him a chance to escape. He saw Tuk swimming over to a giant air pocket beneath a kelp seed pod.

Kiri gasped for air. So did Aonung. Then Roxto and Atuiko did. "Tuk, has anyone seen Tuk?" Kiri asked.

"No," Aonung shook his head.

"We have to help Lo'ak," coughed Roxto.

"A submarine chased him," panicked Atu. "I hope he's okay,"

Tuk gasped for air, but she felt scared. Something splashed behind her. She screamed.

"It's okay Tuk," soothed Lo'ak. "It's me,"

Just then Sylwa and Tsireya emerged from the water, having sent their ilus off to distract their pursuers whilst they replenished their air. But lights were waving underneath the water. "It is coming!" Tsireya panicked.

"We have to swim for it!" Sylwa inhaled deeply and everyone copied her. They dived underwater, swimming past some kelp when a submarine came out of nowhere and shot a net at them. The girls were caught but Lo'ak managed to squirm out. He pulled out his dagger to cut the ropes when two Ikran dived into the water, carrying Recoms – the same ones that had captured the Sully children before in the forest. Their steeds grabbed the nets and hauled them out of the water, Lo'ak clinging tightly.

"Cut it!" cried the girls. Lo'ak tried to chop the net bindings but the Ikran carried them straight to the daemon ship and dropped them like caught fish. The girls were grabbed but Lo'ak took a stand, snarling. He tried to swipe at one but he was disarmed and pinned down on the back.

"Lo'ak!" cried his twin. She and the other two tried to fight back too but they were manhandled.

"Stop!" cried out a voice which the Sully kids recognised instantly. "Don't hurt them!"

The twins turned to see it was Spider rushing in. He tried to help them but he was manhandled by four men.

"Spider!" cried Sylwa. She was suddenly hauled up by her queue causing her to scream out.

"Don't hurt her!" he shouted. He hated all his captors for treating his surrogate family like this. For months he had missed them and after seeing them again he was not going to let anyone hurt them.

Quaritch dismounted his Ikran and looked at his men. "Take him to the bridge and keep him there!"

"Let go of him!" screamed Lo'ak trying to help him but he was pinned down again. Quaritch then knelt down, looking wickedly at him.

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