Trouble with the Bullies

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The Trio walked along the beach. Atuiko was astounded to learn Sylwa's secret. "That's incredible,"

"I know right," said Lo'ak, eagerly as admirable as her gift as him.

"How come you've never told anyone this?"

"Because I didn't want my parents to have another reason to be concerned for me, I don't trust Neteyam or Tuk to keep it secret and it's really Kiri who's the one with nature," she sighed. "I feel so guilty about getting Tsireya into trouble,"

"She needed to get out. Like you did," said Lo'ak. "At least you didn't get her into trouble,"

His twin could tell that he still felt incredibly guilty for how she had been shot back in the forest. "Lo'ak, what happened back in the forest wasn't your fault," said Sylwa. "I don't blame you for what happened to me,"

"But I nearly got you killed. Just like I did Neteyam,"

"No," she stopped him. "Those monsters did. Not you. And Spider's kidnapping wasn't your fault either," she looked at Atuiko. "Spider would really like you,"

"I think I'd like him too. One thing that's really special about you guys is that you two being different makes you more compassionate to others compared to everyone else,"

The twins exchanged smiles again. Just then they heard loud laughing coming from nearby. They walked past some palm trees and they saw Aonung and his friends bullying Kiri.

"Look at your hands freak," the cruel prince mocked, grabbing one of them.

The sight made the twins fume. "Hey!" shouted Lo'ak, alerting them of their presence. They marched together on him. "Back off fish-lips!"

"You stay away from our sister!" warned Sylwa.

"More four-fingered freaks!" mocked Roxto.

"Leave them alone!" Atuiko shouted at his brother.

"Look at the baby tail," another one pulled Lo'ak's tail. Sylwa snarled at him, forcing him back.

"Such an ugly girl," the boy laughed at her burn mark.

"Leave her alone!" Atuiko snarled at the bullies. "Leave them alone you meanies,"

Roxto growled. "Traitor,"

The bullies started poking at Atuiko. Lo'ak pushed them back. "Don't touch him!"

"Leave us alone!" shouted Kiri. But the bullies kept laughing at them. Aonung poked at Sylwa's back.

"Don't touch me!" she shouted at him.

"You stay away from my sister and we won't have a problem,"

Neteyam suddenly marched onto the scene and pulled the bully away from his sister. "Leave them alone," he poked his chest.

Roxto laughed. "Uh big brother coming..." Aonung stopped him.

"Back off," seethed Neteyam. "Now,". The bullies stopped talking. "From now, you're to respect my siblings," he marched a little on the leader. "And don't ever, ever touch my sisters again,". She snarled in his face, making Aonung lean back a bit more.

"And you're to respect Atu," Lo'ak added in, side-hugging Atuiko protectively.

"'Atu'?" repeated Roxto outrageously.

"At least he and Sylwa care about me which is better than I can say for you," said Atuiko, glaring coldly at the hurt Roxto. "And I would rather hang around them than be with you any day,". Roxto snarled at Lo'ak who snarled back. Kiri pulled a face at him.

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