The Wrath of the Sky People

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The duo watched in horror as the descending ships were brought upon the land, turning green forest acres into flames and ash. A surge of inferno began to spread across the land, destroying everything in its path. And it was ending right towards the twins and the tree ruins.

"Run!" screamed Lo'ak.

With no time to waste, they climbed off the roots and started running as fast as their legs could carry them through the jungle. They climbed into the trees, leaping across branches, and swinging on vines but they could feel specks of flames raining upon their heads. The inferno was closing in on them.

Sylwa looked back and saw a force of unstoppable destruction destroying everything behind them. She saw the remains of the great tree turning to ash. Her heart dropped. "It's getting closer!" she screamed.

"Faster!" Her twin urged. "Faster!"

They kept on running, hearing screeches of the forest's animals charging underneath them, trying to escape the wrath of the Sky people. They were petrified. If only humanity understood the extent to which their cruelty and callousness were taken upon innocent creatures.

"We can make it to the river!" Lo'ak said. "The fire will slow down and give us a chance to make it back to the others,"

"I just hope mum and dad are okay!"


Little did they know that Jake and Neytiri were flying as fast as they could to the village. They descended to the trees on their Ikran and once low enough leapt from their steeds into the village below. Their people were rushing out of their houses. The rumbles of the Sky People's powerful spacecraft echoed across the forest.

"Evacuate the village!" Jake ordered. "Get everything you need! We need to get to higher ground!"

Instantly everyone started rushing to get whatever they could afford. They called their banshees and they ascended towards the forest floor, picking up mothers and children.

"I'll get the children," said Neytiri to her husband. She started dashing through the village to reach their home which would become ash and ruins within several minutes if the inferno reached their home. They couldn't afford to lose anyone.

Mo'at saw her daughter and the three children with her standing up when they saw their mother.

"Mum! What has happened?" Tuk was scared. She rushed into her arms, the frantic mother lifting her.

"It's the sky people," she answered frantically. "We're evacuating the village to get to higher ground. Grab your things,"

Instantly Kiri and Neteyam got to work grabbing everything they could. But she suddenly realised two certain twins weren't there. She looked at her mother who was all right pale with worry. "Where are Lo'ak and Sylwa?"


Lo'ak and Sylwa finally managed to make it to the river. They had to cross a log over its fast-flowing currents which led to a waterfall to reach the village and their family. They both took a step forward but heard loud creaking. The rumbling ground shocks from the spacecraft's landing had shaken the tree.

"You go first," Sylwa pushed him forward and he started walking cautiously over the water to the other side. She looked back and saw fire everywhere. Trees burning. Grass singing. Animals on fire. It was a sight that would scar her mentally.

Lo'ak finally made it across. He turned back. "Come on Sylwa!" He saw how frozen she was by the sight of the destruction drawing upon them. "Sylwa!"

Regaining focus, she saw him holding out his hand to her. She started to cross the log. She was almost there when suddenly a tall tree behind them which had caught fire fell upon her and before it could crush, she jumped and she fell into the river.

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