The True Nature of the Taquamares

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Hello everyone. Sorry, it's been a while. I've been recovering from a long trip to Australia. Here is the chapter. Before you read it, i want to let you know that there is a song from The Hunger Games which doesn't belong to me. I've edited the words a bit to match the culture/themes of the book, just to let you all know. The credit of the song goes to the Hunger Games and I hope the creditors don't mind how I've used it in this chapter. Enjoy


"Wahoo!" Lo'ak cheered as Tsu'tey galloped across the water. Atuiko was laughing as he clung on tight to him. "This is fun right?!"

"This is amazing!" screamed the kid.

They crossed leagues of the ocean when they came to an island dominated by mangrove trees, just like at the Metikyena village. But these ones were taller. There was fruit everywhere. Little Pandora seabirds flew everywhere too. The boy was quite surprised to see no Navi living here. It was quite a mystery.

Tsu'tey marched onto the sand and then bent down allowing the boys to dismount him. "That was...awesome!" Atuiko cheered. "You're amazing, Tsu'tey!"

Thank you. Snorted the Taquamare earning a stroke from Lo'ak.

"Why did you name him Tsu'tey?" asked Atuiko.

"He was my father's predecessor as Olo'ektan of the Omaticaya, my mother's former betrothed and my late aunt's betrothed," explained Lo'ak. "He was a mighty warrior, well-remembered by the Navi. I thought it suited him well,"

I love it. brayed Tsu'tey.

"What else can you do?" asked Lo'ak to him. "You brought us here to show your abilities. Please show what else you can do,"

The boys watched Tsu'tey intently. He had brought them here, particularly Lo'ak to show them what kind of creature he was. He walked to some trees. Then to their surprise, he scaled up the trees like a lizard.

"Cool," clapped the boys together.

Tsu'tey lay on the soft sand of the beach. Then to Lo'ak surprise, his scales and even his mane and tail turned the exact same shade of gold and he blended into his surroundings like a chameleon or a cuttlefish. The boys were stunned. His colours turned back to normal and he was visible again.

"Amazing," breathed Atuiko. He noticed Lo'ak looked a little speechless. "What is it?"

"I know I've seen that ability before. But I can't quite place it,"

"What else can you do?"

Tsu'tey positioned himself in front of a tree. Then of all sudden, he shot a knife-lengthened harpoon out of his snout mouth and it pierced the centre of the bark. "Woah," both were surprised. Tsu'tey aimed his mouth up at some fruit. Then with two sharp aims, he shot two large berries out of the tree and he caught them with his tail before offering them to the boys who munched on them with deep delight.

"I guess there are some elements of those rumours that are true," said Atuiko. "But that doesn't make you a daemon or anything,"

Tsu'tey bawled again, asking Lo'ak to climb on his back again. He did. He offered to Atuiko again but realising the Taquamare was going to climb up into the tree, the kid declined. "I think I'd rather watch from above. Besides it's better if he only carries one person for this trick,"

Lo'ak clung on tightly as Tsu'tey scaled up the tall trees, Atuiko running underneath. Lo'ak cheered for joy as his steed leapt from tree to tree like a giant tree frog, his claws digging into the bark to keep them from falling. The Taquamare was touched by how much trust this boy had placed in him. He knew deep down he had seen him before but he just couldn't figure out where.

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