Girl Time and Guy Time

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The twins were a bit upset from the conversation with their mother last night. Nevertheless, they remained happy as ever that they could still spend time with Atuiko after she had put that nasty general in his place. They woke up early that morning and sat on the mangrove branches above the family hat, enjoying the sunrise.

Lo'ak wore their grandmother's wrap. Sylwa decided he should have a go wearing it.

"You both still wearing granny's wrap?" spooked a voice. They turned around and saw Kiri climbing up to join them. "You know it looks ridiculous on you, Lo'ak," she joked.

"That's not funny," he said.

"Where were you guys yesterday?" she asked.

"We were spending some time with Atuiko," Sylwa explained. "Anyways...what did you get up to?"

"Nothing much," she sighed away, drifting into thought.

"How did you do that?" asked Lo'ak.

Kiri turned to him. "Do what?"

"Sway your arms around and communicate with those little glowing sea squids?"

Sylwa elbowed him.

Kiri was embarrassed. "Were you two spying on me the other day in the Gill Mantle Pool?"

"No," Sylwa explained. "We just saw it happen. But it really was amazing. We're not judging you,"

"I don't know," Kiri sighed. "I just don't know,". She looked a little hurt.

"Kiri, sooner or later, they'll show us their sacred tree and when that'll talk to her,"

"I hope so,". Kiri longed more than anything to talk to her biological mother, Grace Augustine. Though she was treated with just as much love and affection as the other Sully children, she longed more than anything to speak to the mother whose avatar bore her.

"I would love it if I could talk to Aunt Sylwanin," Sylwanin wished for that.

"It would be so cool to talk to Grandpa," wondered Lo'ak. "Or anyone else in our family or someone our parents knew other know,". He didn't want to mention Grace, not to upset Kiri at all.

Kiri chose to leave the scene, choosing to be alone for a while to reflect on personal things. The twins chose to leave again quickly before their dad or Neteyam could notice. To their delight, they saw Atuiko dashing over them. Like them, he had snuck away from his dad, desperate to get away from rules and watchful eyes.

"Hey guys," he waved.

"You got away," Lo'ak high-fived him.

"So nice when you can be free and have time to yourself," sighed Sylwa.

"Morning you three," Tsireya came walking gracefully over them.

"Morning Reya," Sylwa waved awkwardly.

"Hello," waved the boys.

"You guys seem to be in a happy mood today," she said.

"Well...uh...things just seem to be working out as we hoped they would," Sylwa chuckled, feeling embarrassed with her puffy cheeks.

"I know. I saw you two..." Reya gestured to the twins. "...teaching you. You two were excellent teachers,". The twins were surprised.

"Well can't take all the credit," Sylwa said. "You're the one who taught us all those skills,"

"I'm very proud of you two for sharing your skills," she said.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask you before to help me with my phobia," apologised Atuiko. "I was just afraid of embarrassing you,"

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