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3rd Person's POV~

"You! My head aches! Bring the fu**in' medicine!!!" some rascal barked, Oh damn your ass! I can't stand my brother cursing and here he is, ORDERING ME!!

Ignoring his reaction, she returned to the nursing inn but was prepared for the upcoming drama fuming into the room.

"Are you deaf?!" he shouted in anger, Advika had that mysterious calmness which was pretty off-beat; She collected a tablet and without the slightest hesitation threw it right at the guy's face.

"This, Now," she stated coldly and before that shocked boy could reopen his mouth, another tablet was tossed in his direction.

"This, in the evening, get out now," she said without any blink, just kept implanting fear into the boy's veins with her fearless mysterious stare.

"How dare you talk to me like that!?" He questioned in rage.

"I didn't expect you to be an idiot asking me to show what I just did." She conveyed while maintaining a powerful body language.

"You-" He was about to use some blasphemies but one of his friends held him and dragged the scavenger along with them.

'Fu**in' coward! When couldn't do any further logical argument, desired to use expletives. Because if he dared to do so, I might not have treated him after breaking his bones.'

She thought. But never do you know, which action of yours leads you into the marsh of mystery and misery! Nor did she know that far away someone witnessed her existence pretty closely, pretty dangerously!

_ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"You are a backstabber!" Avu conveyed as she and Shreyashi went towards the library to compare the volume of books that their respective colleges had.

"How can you say so?"

"Because I encountered such a bastard in that slutty dress! all because of you," she said as her teeth gritted in anger.

"That's not at all slutty! It just fits you perfectly and even the skirt is till the knees!" Shreyashi replied as she was a bit offended by not such an appreciative comment from Avu about her outfit choice. In response to that, Avu rolled her eyes.

"But thanks, the inspectors didn't suspect at all because of the impression you made with your medical knowledge!"

"I know, I'm perfect! Why is the library locked? It shouldn't be though right now." Avu inquired

"I don't know. Wait... what are those noises?!" Shrey questioned with her eyes wide as she observed Avu was mirroring the same naturally.

"People are making out there!" whisper-yelled Advika while fear laced her voice and shock beautified her countenance.

"Let's get out of here immediately!" Conveyed Shrey holding hands of Avu and hastily dragging her along, but their souls were terrified when they heard a cry, a deep, full of distress! Teardrops blurred their vision as they looked towards each other. The sound of a few males laughing could be heard.

"It's... huh!" Avu couldn't complete her sentence due to the sharp inhale of uncomfortable fear and pity shaking her soul! That girl... I-is being r-raped!!!

"Advika, we are unfit to fight multiple scavengers! Let's run from here and search for help!!!" Shrey stated, balancing the lump in her throat, wiping the furious tears that were flowing down like a river. She knew that Advika was still a poor teen, and it could leave a severe impact of trauma on her young mind.

Advika nodded while silently crying and they both began running to save their and the poor girl's dignity. A responsibility to fulfil as a woman, they ran like mads, trying to search for people but no one was there after the inspection that evening. After informing the police, they were hiding under the benches of the classrooms, sobbing continually, afraid and miserable for demons could notice their presence if they made it out of the institute gates.

Advika's POV~

Threatened by the thought of harm to my dignity rose a tremendous amount of fear within me. Gradually the screams began to spread aloud! What am I doing 😭!? Those monsters are tarnishing her both physically and mentally! How to save her!? I cannot sit here witnessing such a heinous crime! It's a shame to be a woman if I don't even try to help her! 

If my God has encountered me in such a circumstance, then I've to be the savior of our female lineage's pride and glory. I will chop off those Rascals into tiny pieces and throw them into the drain. I can't! If I die saving her, I won't regret nor will my home! Because if anyone even tried to touch even a cell of mine, I'd vamoose my body before they could scratch me!

Why should I be scared? I am not heading to do anything immoral! It should be those scoundrels, as now I'll push them to learn what the hell, they'll suffer to rape a sister, a daughter, a friend and most importantly a woman!!! A lady was the one who was misfortune enough to give birth to such devils! Oh, how much I pity her!

"Advika, where are you going? You know it's deadly perilous! Advika, what's running in your head?" panicked Shrey interrogated

"To perform my duty as a woman Shreyashi and so should you!" I answered back and headed to battle the rampage. A war against the criminals of humanity, psychotics who have forgotten that they have a woman, lovingly waiting for them at their homes. To remind them about what their actions would lead them and their families towards!

Holding a tight grip on my arm, I was flown away by none other than my coward companion!

"We need a plan. Don't forget you're about to face the pig stacks suffering from mental illness. I know you are ready to kill or die but remember you too have a family and a future responsibility to protect them and repay by your karma. To save thousands and lakhs of other lives!" Her words forced into my brain and her slaps made me realize how stupid of a decision I was assembling in my rage.

Is it safe to act? Are you with other people or alone? If alone, are there other people close by who could help you? What actions could you take that are unlikely to put anyone in harm's way?

How you intervene will likely depend on the situation or what you feel safe or comfortable doing.

So, what are your options?

My conscience deliberately inquired which somehow calmed a bit of my fury and allowed me to think wisely. But I don't have time, I need to act quickly!

My aim here is to interrupt what is happening. But what to do?

IDEA!!! The 5D's of Rape Crisis!

Distract: The aim here is to interrupt what is happening.

Delegate: This is when you ask someone else for help or to intervene instead of you.

Delay: If you can't – or don't – act when an incident is taking place then you can still check in with the victim or survivor afterwards and offer to help.

This could make a huge difference to them so never think it's too late to act.

Direct: This involves directly responding to what is happening.

Document: Documenting means recording what is happening – this could be by taking a video or photo/s on your phone or even by noting down details of an incident.

"Who is the caretaker of the institution and where is the fuckin' person?" I hurriedly whispered to Shrey

"I-I am not sure; there is a watchman but he's not at the guarding area and the gates are locked!"

"Is-s he involved in this crime?" my hands by now were shaking in fear, with a tear-sticked face and horror filled eyes, Shrey was speechless!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

No matter what, whenever, you witness any crime scene like such, take action. It's never too late! Because at that time you are the savior, the real hero, a protagonist in your life and trust me that person will bless you for years!

[1300 Words]           [16th September 2023]


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