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"What were you both doing? See because of you both now my mummy has to do extra work!" scolded Mandavi while I kept still like a statue, a gush of inner guilt washed me into a hug, quite clingy.

"It was Advika's fault!" blamed Bhavya, directly on me, such a bi*ch!

"It's because she was eating it all alone. I too wanted to eat! After all, I'm the group's baby, not this oversized butt!" I complained back

"I'm not an oversized butt!!!" Bhavya yelled at me

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!" Mandavi was now furious, and furious Mandavi is as similar as that of a poisonous snake, she is mean when angry!

"Calm down, Mandavi! They're idiots. Now both of you educated illiterates to apologize to Mandavi and make up for this mess!" said Shrey

"I'm sorry Mandu!"

"Sorry Mandavi"

"Now, I hope it's all over so shall we head towards our hangout, though it's already pretty much hanging!" taunted Swarna, enraging me. This is something I truly hate about her, the bloody taunts. I don't have as much patience to hear this all shit from someone stupid herself!

"I'll help you by pushing off the stool when you hang!" I replied which made her face sour, serving her right.

"Alright, now should we all march to our destination!" Bhavya asked excitedly

"Why walk when you have a car?" asked Swarna

"Yup, I expected it! Let's go!" answered Bhavya

"Avu, here I got the tickets!" exclaimed Bhavya lightly

"Great Bhavu! Let's freak these fools!" The naughty me has been activated

Haunted House is the best place to pee without anyone getting disgusted with you, instead, they'll feel a bit guilty or laugh it off. I had a plan to do so. I was in the lift alone as Bhavya had gone into the H.H. (Haunted House) with Swarna, poor Chad! While Mandavi was dragging Shrey along for shopping, poor Chad! I was in a lift, lost in search of a washroom!

'Urination, also called Micturition, is the process of excreting urine from the urinary bladder.'

' When overdistension occurs over long periods, the detrusor muscle produces small rhythmic contractions that cause dribbling of urine. With continued distension, the muscle can become paralyzed, and urine voiding takes place only by overflow; this condition is usually termed passive incontinence. There may also be the flow of urine back to the kidneys under these conditions, causing failure of kidney function.'


Voluntary restraint of urination involves inhibition of bladder contraction, closure of the opening to the urethra, and contraction of the abdominal muscles. The ability to start and stop the flow of urine depends largely on the normal functioning of the muscles of the pelvic floor, the abdominal wall, and the diaphragm (the muscular partition between the abdomen and the chest).'

Ting the sound of the lift occurred, I put my gaze up, 'Love is just an eerie desire phenomenon of lust to reproduce offspring', our brain always tricks us into going after it.' I chanted in my head looking at those mesmerising light brown orbs, if the fire is hot, the view in front of me can melt my willpower to refuse my command to not stare at such a sinful glorious scene in front of me.


In an instant to remove my gaze from a certain place staring at the zero-floor button, my urge to excrete urine had long vanished. Just lemme count its facts to distract me.

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