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Advika's POV~

How would you feel witnessing a volcano eruption in the middle of nowhere while chilling on a beach?'

What can be the circumstances for hair lice to vomit? Or yeah seeing a girl in a bikini but when she grins her teeth are yellow and uneven?

Is it possible for one bird species to poop like a different bird species?

Can the stars really twinkle? 

Our teeth made up of enamel is the hardest living substance on the planet, does that mean we've got living monsters as our slaves with a nucleus in each of them?

Unable to process well, I took my phone out and began my search for answers for which I was starving as our locality doesn't have a good internet service. OH COME ON WORK NOW!

"Avu, Sharbat is ready," Maa yelled out from the kitchen. Oh, Mother, even your voice makes me flutter. How can I love her this much? 

Well, an argument is quite common between us due to our different personality traits but thanks to our DNA, I'm way more attached and the same as her. The only difference is that she prefers emotional values more than practical thinking which usually gets her into trouble and I do not. After all, the heart is for pumping blood and the brain to think. 

It quite amuses me how people sacrifice everything, especially mothers; their careers for the sake of some imbecile and super selfish creatures called babies. Oh, they may look cute but darling, the devil got a pretty face.

Finally, my internet worked and the answer flashed on my phone screen, scaring quite the shit outta me.

Psittacosis is a disease caused by bacteria (Chylamydia psittaci) spread through the droppings and respiratory secretions of infected birds. People most commonly get psittacosis after exposure to pet birds, like parrots and cockatiels, and poultry, like turkeys or ducks.

Because our neighbour has a pet parrot which usually flows by across the apartment only to shit on my window sill. Bloody bird. I quickly rushed to the kitchen, picked up a mount of baking soda on a spoon and carefully brought it up. The next thing we require to fulfil our mission is to place a double-sided tape on the sill and spread the baking soda on it.

Phew! quite a work. Wait a minute, I will go back down to keep the spoon in the sink. Damn, I could just have brought the packet up, it would have conserved some of my precious time. After all, each second is important for a neuroscientist. ALRIGHT! So we learned a lesson to plan things out well and then carry them for ease in working in a presentable manner. 

'Will remember it!' my conscience cheered. I even love my conscience a lot because it has the word science in it.

The door flung open and I stood my mother holding a rolling pin in her hand along with the sharbat in the other.

"What would you like to have my dear?" my mother uttered sassily

"I'll go with the sharbat!" I said with my lips pressed in a thin line, not out of fear of being beaten but the fear of laughing. I wish to see that laughter playing on her lips first.

She burst out in laughter looking at my face and caressed my hair lovingly.

"Oh my child, study well and do not annoy your professors! I don't like that they don't have PTM in colleges. How would parents track their wards' pros and cons?" Maa complained with an unintentional pout.

'Well thank god, they don't in our college otherwise I would've gotten an earful of hearing over 2 hours to joke around with Mrs Gomes.'

Unable to lie to my precious, I simply nodded at her response. It's Saturday today, with no science and math sessions, I HAD NO DESIRE TO GO TO THAT ANNOYING PLACE where people just come for fun. How careless they are with their future! But I need to as my pretty mommy still thinks that each and every class in biomedical engineering is crucial.

Like come on, She forced me to take painting as a side subject but that art professor just snores! Sometimes, I wish my parents were rich like Bhavya's but then I wouldn't be as much happy as I am now. My thoughts were interrupted as a noise occurred from my window. What the hail!!! It's a squirrel and it's...




My face turned terribly sour seeing its reproductive organs. I shouldn't have placed my eyes there. But me being a kind human being *self-obsessed* punched on the window when that squirrel freaked out and guessed had begun to loathe me as its tail got stuck on the double-sided tape.

'Woah, this company has good quality tape! I should finally give it 5 stars.'

It was the correct and appropriate moment to wear my surgical hand gloves which my papa brought from the command hospital. Sliding those fresh and fit-to-my-hand gloves, I notoriously clicked its pictures for later observation and freed it but it warned to bite me and with a snarl jumped off the window.

Bitchy squirrel!

"There you are, what are you doing wearing surgery gloves Advika?" questioned a girl with straight dark hair and I very well recognized the voice.

"Nothing Bhavya," I replied

"Whatever, you're ready? I'm here to pick you up. Between, did you pack things that I told you to or was your psychopath ass too obsessed with these brain pictures on the wall?" she remarked.

Aish this bish!

"Hmm. Including an extra pair of pants, you're gonna need them. Further, these pictures are called diagrams." I answered back

That's what you get messing up with Advika Singh.

"Y-You! Whatever, I don't get that freaked out by ghosts!"

"Yeah, why would you bhoot?"

"Oh shut up!"

"I don't get it, if your ass is that much fracked up going to the haunted house, why did you even plan?" I inquired removing the gloves and beginning to pack the items she listed on WhatsApp to me.

A little bit of lie hurts none. I didn't even remember about it.

"It's just fun and you know creating new memories with you, bestie!"

"Are other girls coming?" 

"Of course."

"You didn't tell them about the place of hangout. Did you?" I questioned her looking in the eye, technically glaring at her.

"You know what it'll be fun!" I added a burst of laughter seeing her awkward nervous face.

"Haha very funny!"

Right now we're in the cab, heading towards Sheryashi's house to pick her up, Swarna will be there too and on the way, we'll catch hold of Mandavi as well. That nerd would be crying today! *evil smirk*

I can't wait to see their reactions in front of the haunted house. Gosh! I'm such a villain and so is Bhavya, no wonder why we ended up together in an engineering college.



[12-05-2023]   [Words count:- 1130]

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