Fluff Alphabet - Robert Shwartzman

808 7 2

Requested by Obxparadise

A = Activities: (What does he like to do with you? How does he spend his free time with you?)

You and Robert love to train in the gym together. Despite being on the sidelines, Robert's goal continues to be getting into F1 someday and with you being his biggest motivation, he loves it when you workout together, you being the person who always pushes him as well as giving him praise and encouragement.

B =Baby: (What does he think about having a baby with you?)

Robert being on the sidelines has also made both of you think about starting a family together even more. He now knows that there is no one else who he can imagine having children with, but he does want a wait a little while longer to do this with how focused he continues to be on his career.

C= Comfort: How does he comfort you, for example if you had a panic attack?)

No matter how long you need to ramble on for about what is bothering you, Robert listens to and takes in each and every one of your words. He is aware that sometimes you just need to feel listened to and understood, which he is always willing to do. Once you have gotten everything off your chest, Robert will repeatedly check in with you until he knows that your mind has been put at ease.

D = Dreams: (What are his dreams for the future with you? How does he picture his future with you?)

Robert can see the two of you doing a lot of travelling together. He loved sightseeing with you and experiencing local cultures whenever you would travel to race weekends with him and with the more free time he has now, he can't wait for the two of you to be able to do more of this.

E = Equal: Is he the dominant or submissive one in the relationship?)

Robert is a slightly dominant, wanting to have a little dominance to provide you with safety and security, but he always makes sure not to go too far with this, not wanting to make you feel controlled, but also not wanting to be too serious with his dominance with how lighthearted and humorous you are with each other.

F= Fight: (What would he be like in a fight with you? How easily would be forgive you?)

Robert doesn't like engaging in confrontation with you because of how he doesn't want to potentially hurt you by saying something he might regret. It's because of this that the two of you have started to walk away from each other as your maturity has grown, giving each other some space to calm down as well as have a deep think about the issue and therefore making it a little easier to be able to reach a compromising solution, leading to the two of you forgiving each other before long.

G = Gratitude: How grateful is he in general? Is he aware of the things you do for him?)

Robert is always grateful for every little thing you do for him, always making sure you are aware of this. He thanks you for everything on a regular basis even though you always remind him that he doesn't need to with it being your jobs to do everything you can for each other.

H = Honesty: Does he keep secrets from you or share everything with you?)

Robert is always completely open and honest with you with how it is something which you both value the most. Robert feels as though he can trust you with absolutely everything, knowing he never needs to hold anything back with how you will always love him and accept him no matter what.

I = Inspiration: Have you changed each other in some way?)

With your love for travelling, you have helped each other to become more cultured and have more of an understanding of how other's live their lives, allowing you both to be even more open to trying new experiences.

F1,F2 and F3 Fluff and NSFW Alphabets (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now