"I'll be having a few choice words with WICKED once we get there," Rin grumbled next to me. I shot them a look of pity, that was all I had the energy for.

I hadn't taken a sip of water since last night, and from where the sun was positioned, I'd bet it was around late afternoon.

Newt poked his head under my sheet. We had taken the spare sheets and held them over us like a canopy in an effort to protect us from the sun. It wasn't working.

"Hi," He said.

"Hey," I croaked, my throat was too dry to talk.

He handed me his bag of water, it was half-full and we just left two days ago. I shook my head.

"It wasn't an offer," He said simply.

Still, I shook my head, I was good for another few miles. "Give it to Carter."

"Jack is carrying him, he doesn't need it as badly as you do."

"Then give it to Jack." I gritted my teeth.

"Damnit, Felix, just take the water!" He shouted at me, he had been doing more of that recently. I think he was just tired and stretched too thin. I hadn't been particularly patient with him either.

"Fine." I took the bag, I didn't want to cause him more worry. I took a small sip.

"For the love of god, please drink more." Newt's face was starting to form worry lines, more than I had ever seen on him before. The past weeks hadn't been kind on him.

So I took another sip, a pretty big one actually. The water was far from cold but it was refreshing all the same. For a moment the grit between my teeth diluted.

"I don't get your issues," Newt said when I handed him back the water. "You worry about me in the same way, and yet, you're still so stubborn."

He had a point, but so did I.

"You're stubborn too."

He was silent after that. Too stubborn to apologize too.

But then again, so was I.

I didn't mean to be a slinthead, I was just so tired. I hadn't eaten in days and only had a collective hour of sleep from last night.

"I'm..." He stumbled over his words. "I'm gonna help Thomas scout out a camp for tonight."

I grunted, over his obsession with Thomas. "Good that."


The sky that night was painfully clear, I could see hundreds of stars, including new ones that I had never seen before. It truly was beautiful, but I was too exhausted to fully appreciate it.

We never found a camp for the night, the dunes became too condensed. Better to trek further than to take steps backwards, Minho had said. The Gladers weren't happy at all with that decision, they were crabby and complained like there was no tomorrow.

Personally, I preferred it, it was cooler during the night and it made travelling just a bit more bearable. I couldn't wait to fill Cally in on everything that was happening, she would know what to say to Newt.

God, I missed the girls. I hoped they were okay.

"There!" A boy in front of me shouted, it sounded like Minho. I strained my neck to see what the commotion was about. He was pointing at a black blob in the distance.

"What's that?" Thomas squinted his eyes to get a better look.

"A building, I think," Minho panted. He was so excited he was out of breath.

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