Chapter 15

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 Bruno looked at her, his eyes wide. Honestly, it was one thing to have someone tell you a girl loved him. It was quite another to hear it from the girl herself. 

 "I'm not sorry in the slightest that we were destined for each other. You are all I could ever want and need, my Bruno..." (y/n) told him softly. 

 Bruno smiled, feeling tears come to his eyes. For the first time in years, he felt relief. He felt that, maybe, he wasn't such a freak after all. "I-I love you too...Thank you...For helping me see who I am...My (y/n)..." (y/n) gave him a bright smile. The two embraced one another. "I love you..."

 (y/n) felt so much joy hearing him say those words. "Bruno...I love you too.." she spoke quietly.

 "(Y/N)...I know I'm not exactly a prince charming, but um.....Will you be my girlfriend...?" Bruno asked hesitantly, after they had released each other.

 (Y/N) laughed joyfully, tackling him to the ground. "Oh, Bruno, I'd love to! But, Bruno, just one thing."

 "What?" Bruno asked, looking up at her from where he lay on the sandy floor.

 "You're my prince charming." (Y/N) hugged him and kissed his cheek before getting up. Bruno was almost too stunned to follow suit. "Are you going to get up?" (y/n) asked him.

 "Um...Y-yea! Yea, I'm coming.." Bruno nodded, getting up and following her out of the cave.

 The whole family was excited to hear about Bruno and (y/n). Everyone was really happy. But, the two that were the happiest, were (y/n) and Bruno. 

 Camilo and Mirabel were standing in the doorway of Casita, watching their tio and (y/n) as they were taking a walk.

 "So, what do you think their future will be like?" Mirabel asked.

 Camilo gave a small, but satisfied smile. "Happy."

 Mirabel nodded in agreement. "I think so too. Do you think we'll get a new cousin?"

 "I don't know, Mirabel. They aren't that young. Course mami was 45 when she had Antonio, so I guess anything could happen." Camilo remarked with a shrug. 

 "Hey guys!" a couple voices exclaimed, causing the cousins to jump. 

 "Camilla, Juan!" Mirabel smiled brightly at the two siblings. Camilla and Juan Lorenzo were sixteen years old, a year older than the cousins. The four were good friends. 

 "Hey! We wanted to see if you guys wanted to hang out. Feel like a picnic or something?" Juan asked, smiling at Mirabel. He was a tall young man with tan skin and dark hair. His hazel eyes seemed to sparkle and always charm Mirabel. 

 "I'd love to hang out, but I'll have to ask mama." Mirabel replied. 

 "How about you, Camilo?" Camilla asked. Her hair was short, dark, and always down. She was a shy young girl and the same height as Camilo. 

 "I'd like to as well. Come on, Mirabel, let's go ask our parents." Camilo smiled, giving Camilla a wink. Camilla smiled back at him as she and her twin brother, Juan, watched the cousins leave.

 "She doesn't seem to get how much I like her, Cam..." Juan stated with a frown after Mirabel and Camilo were out of sight. "I mean, does she not like me like that...?"

 "Juan, she always says she wants a man like you so how could she not? And honestly, if she doesn't know, then she needs stronger glasses. Because you, dear brother, are making your feelings obvious." Camilla stated with a knowing smirk.

 "Oh? And how about you and Camilo? Almost every time you two are together, he's asking you if you've decided or not." Camilo had confessed to Camilla that he liked her and wanted to take her on a date a few weeks after Casita had been rebuilt. Camilla was undecided still. She knew she cared a lot for Camilo....But was she ready for a relationship?

 "I-I'm just not ready for a boyfriend, Juan..." Camilla said quickly. 

 "Cam, he didn't ask you to be his girlfriend. He asked you if you would go on a date with him. He's not going to ask you to be his girlfriend until you both are ready." Juan pointed out.

 "I know, I know....I guess I'm just scared...."

 "Of what?"

 "What if we aren't meant to be in the future...? I do like him like that, Juan...But I'm afraid he isn't the one..." Camilla looked down sadly.

 Juan frowned, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Look at me, Camilla." The girl did as her brother told her. "Don't worry about the future. Just focus on the present. Even if he isn't the one, it can't stop him or you from loving each other. But, let me ask you something."

 "What..?" Camilla asked softly.

 "Mom and dad told us when they first knew they were destined for each other, they felt a spark. They could see their lives, their future, in each other's eyes. Well, basically they were just imagining their future, but still, they were able to. Are you able to do that with Camilo? Do you feel that spark?"

 Camilla looked down before looking towards Casita. "I-I think so...I know that....When I'm with him, I feel so confident. He's so cheerful and happy it's contagious! He can always make me smile and laugh, even when I'm feeling down...No matter how down I am, he can always change my mood. And it's never awkward between us...It's always so natural."

 Juan smiled and nodded. "I can't say for sure, but you might have a good chance of being with him."

 "You think so...?"

 "Yes. That is, if you ever get up the nerve to say yes to him." he smirked, playfully pushing her. Camilo playfully shoved him back, laughing.

 Meanwhile, Bruno and (y/n) had seen the interaction between the four young people. They smiled. "They would be so cute together." (y/n) smiled.

 "I think so too. I wonder sometimes who my nieces and nephews are meant to be with. Perhaps The Lorenzo Twins are meant for Camilo and Mirabel." Bruno replied.

 "Maybe. Only time, or a vision, will tell." (y/n) agreed. "I know they'll find their happily ever after, though."

 "How do you know?" Bruno asked.

 (Y/N) looked up and into his eyes, smiling, reaching up and cupping his cheek. "Because I found mine."

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