Chapter 13

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 "Gracias, Senora Alma for letting me stay here for a while." (Y/N) smiled at the elderly woman. "Of course, (y/n). You are always welcome here." Senora Alma replied with a smile. "Bruno will show you to your room." With that, Senora Alma walked away. Bruno and (y/n) looked at each other, somehow feeling a little giddy with the fact they were now alone together. "Stop it!" they thought. "We've been alone together lots of times!" "Shall we go?" Bruno asked, offering her his hand. "S-sure.." (y/n) said quietly, her cheeks becoming pink. "Why do I feel this way?" she thought. "Is it...Wrong to fall in love with your best friend..?" The two finally made it to (y/n)'s room. It was beside Mirabel's room. She thanked Bruno, who nodded with a smile before walking away. (Y/N) had been about to invite him in, but he walked away before she could. She sighed, shrugging, before going over to the bed.

 Bruno walked to his room, not understanding his feelings. "I can't fall in love with her...She deserves better than me...I'm just an awkward, weird guy who doesn't like being around crowds. She doesn't mind being around crowds. She isn't awkward and most definitely isn't weird. She's beautiful and kind..." he smiled for a moment before shaking his head. "I need to get to my vision cave." Bruno walked inside his vision cave and poured sand in a circle. He sat down on the ground cross-legged before lighting a fire in the middle of the circle and four smaller fires. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. When he opened them, his eyes glowed green. Sand flew all around him. He watched as two figures appeared. They were outlined in green, but he could clearly see that it was him and (y/n). He watched as they smiled at each other brightly, holding hands. Then, they kissed. Bruno's eyes went wide. The vision stopped. The tablet fell into his hands and he just stared at it speechless. "A-are we destined to be together...?" Bruno knew better than to try to deny the vision. He could've tried to change the future, but he knew that was one future he couldn't change. His feelings were too strong and wouldn't go away. He knew he couldn't just ignore them. He wasn't sure what to do. Should he show (y/n) the vision? Should he try to change the future? Should he leave the decision up to (y/n)? He was willing to try, though he felt he was not the right man for her. His self-doubts conflicted him and clouded his mind. "What do I do...?" he whispered, looking at the vision.

 (y/n) had finished unpacking. She hummed a little tune as she went about putting her things away. She twirled around her room, enjoying herself. She thought she was alone, but as she spun around, she found Bruno standing in the doorway. He looked nervous, but had a small smile. (y/n)'s cheeks went red. "You saw that...Didn't you?" "It's fine. You're a good dancer. Always were. You taught me a few moves, remember?" Bruno smiled at the memory. (y/n) smiled, remembering the fond memory. The two had been ten years old at the time. 


 "Come on, Bruno! It's really fun! If you learned how, you could dance at your wedding! Or with your mama on her birthday. Or even with Julietta and Pepa! I bet they'd love it!" (y/n) exclaimed, putting on some music. "I don't know, (y/n)...I'm not really the kind of boy who'd be good at it...I don't want to hurt you by stepping on your toes or something." Bruno looked down, feeling a little bashful. "You won't hurt me! Come on, it'll be fun!" Bruno looked up at her. He finally sighed and agreed. "Alright...I-I'll give it a try..." "Yay!" (y/n) cheered excitedly. "So, for a waltz, like my mama and papa like to do, you join hands like this. When a girl has a cord on her dress, she puts it around her wrist and her dress will be held up while she dances." "Really? Why?" Bruno asked, a confused frown on his face as he joined hands with his best friend. (y/n) thought for a moment, a small frown on her face. "I don't know. I'd have to ask my papa." Bruno nodded. "Ok, now, just follow my lead. But when you're dancing for real, like, at your wedding or a party or something, then you are the one who will lead the dance." (y/n) told him. "Why?" "Because you're the man. The man always leads the dance. If you want to know why, I'll ask papa and get back to you." Bruno nodded and tried to follow the girl's lead. "Very good, Bruno!" a voice said, startling the boy. "Papa!" (y/n) ran over and hugged him. "Princess, are you trying to teach him to dance?" "Yes! Come see!" the girl dragged her papa in her room. He sat down on her bed, smiling. "Do I have to lead...?" Bruno asked nervously. "No. Not till you really get the hang of it. I mean, you kinda are, but still." Bruno nodded slowly, not sure if he was ready to dance in front of anyone else beside (y/n). "Papa, will you start the music?" "Of course, princess." the girl's papa started the music and the children began to dance, (y/n) leading. Bruno did step on her toes a couple times, but he did well for a beginner. "Bravo!" (f/n) clapped and smiled at the two. "Gracias, papa!" "You did well, Bruno!" the man told the boy, who looked down bashfully. "W-well, I had a good teacher..." (Y/N) looked at him, to see him smiling at her. She smiled back at him. "I had a good student."

 "Would you um...Like to dance...?" Bruno asked hesitantly. (y/n) smiled. "I'd love to." Bruno smiled and offered her his hand. She took it and the two began their dance. From outside the door, Camilo and Mirabel watched, smiling. "Those two are so made for each other." "Yep." Mirabel agreed, nodding.

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