Chapter 8

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Bruno rode through the woods, not sure where to look or even if (y/n) was ok. "I didn't even tell her how I feel...Oh I hope she's ok..." he thought. He was worried about her and worried about his niece. "Where are you, Mirabel..?" he wondered, slowing the horse down to a walk. 

 Mirabel sat alone in a little clearing by a river, crying to herself. "Mirabel?" she heard a voice say from behind her. Mirabel recognized the voice as her Abuela. She wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hurt us...I just wanted to be someone I'm not.." Mirabel sniffled. Abuela Alma sat beside her. "I've never been able to come back here." she replied. "This river is where we were given our miracle.." "Where Abuelo Pedro...." Mirabel realized. This river....This clearing...This was where Mirabel's grandfather Pedro lost his life so many years before. "I thought we would have a different life....I thought I'd be a different woman..." Abuela Alma sighed sadly, remembering her life with her Pedro.


A young Alma walked into the town square. She took a candle and looked about the crowd, trying to see through the mass of people. She hopped onto a lamppost as a butterfly flew past her. She kept her gaze on the butterfly till her gaze caught sight of a handsome young man, standing on another lamppost. He smiled and waved at her. She smiled and waved back, nearly losing her balance. She caught herself before she fell. The two laughed.

 A young couple walked by the two, waving happily to them.

                                         "Two caterpillars.."

Alma and the man, Pedro, sat on the edge of a fountain, eating, talking, and laughing with their two best friends.

                                          "In love.."

Pedro and Alma stood at the altar holding a candle in their hands. It was their wedding day. Both loved each other dearly.

                                          "Spend their nights and dawns.."

The couple looked at each other, smiling as they leaned in and kissed, putting their foreheads together before pulling away.               

 Another couple stood by, watching happily. The woman's head rested on her husband's shoulder.

                                               "Full of hunger..."

Alma was holding up a baby cutout in front of Pedro. Pedro had his eyes closed.

                                               "They keep walking.."

He opened his eyes and gasped. Alma then pulled open the baby cutout, revealing three babies. Pedro's jaw dropped and he fainted.

                                                     "That changes and keeps changing.."

Alma laughed as he pulled her down with him

 The couple told their friends they were expecting triplets and were excited to learn that they too were expecting.

 Alma, Pedro and their friends look down at the three babies with joy and love.

                                                  "Two caterpillars stop the wind.."

A flash outside the window caught the two couple's attention. They looked outside and saw people lighting houses on fire, other people screaming and running.

This isn't who you are (Bruno Madrigal X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now