Start from the beginning

Zoran and I sat in silence, and I got lost in my thoughts about the mass Phoenixian extinction. The once unstoppable species of Guardians that had protected all of Traeveria from the forces of evil were just gone – obliterated by a single bomb sent to Azmar by the demons.

It was no wonder we were losing the war against Ravos; we weren't nearly as strong nor powerful as the Phoenixians. Bastion was part of the most despicable species in existence. Penn was trapped in Ravos with the vile beings. Misty had been turned into a crazed demon by one of them. Zoran's sister, Elora, had been murdered when she'd been close to finding an antidote. They'd stolen Armaeda to weaken our essences and strengthen theirs.

My mother had been killed by the demons terrorizing Traeveria and our empire.

The Ravos demons would pay. I was in the Ice Force now and after training, I'd be sent to the Voltant Isles to aid in winning the war against them.

"You're making my heart race."

I lifted my head from the straw and stated, "I'm not even doing anything."

"Our essences are bonded together. I feel everything you're feeling. Calm down, I don't like feeling so amped up."

I unwound my hands and placed my head back on the ground with a deep breath. "All I feel from you is an overwhelming sense of fatigue."

"It's exhausting being this fiercely strong and good-looking all the time."

I rolled my eyes and derided, "Pfft, I'm sure that ego of yours is tiring to constantly deal with."

A loud horn blared and we picked our heads up, listening for what it could mean.

Emperor Nepheus' voice boomed in the echo of the alarm, instructing, "Elemental Forces! Return to Latovia where we will gather at Insignia Academy to assess egg count."

I stood, dusting off my gown as I grouched, "See, he said egg count, not egg state. We're going to look like such fools when we show up with this one measly egg. Then, we'll be found unsuitable for each other and banished outside the walls as snacks for the demons to feast on."

"I wouldn't have taken such a risky gamble if I wasn't certain."

"Let's sure hope that's the case."

Zoran and I made our way back down the ladder and out the barn. I summoned Serene and the three of us took off toward the town above Clear Water.

The colorful vests of the Elemental Forces crowded around the arching entrance of the obsidian academy building where my father stood above a flight of stairs in front of the double doors. Serene landed at the back of the group and I swung off her neck, jumping into the snow next to Zoran. Irubbed her scale, hoping her essence had disappeared before my father couldwitness the Insignia designating my power on her head.  We separated into our respective Forces and I looked around, noticing fewer Champions than we started with.

Calandra nudged me, whispering, "How many eggs did you both collect?"

"Uh, we were only able to get one," I admitted, shooting a glare at Zoran. "How about you and Denali?"

Denali opened his cloak, displaying a pocket bulging with eggs. His short, dark hair ruffled in the slight breeze and his slant, deep set eyes crinkled as he smiled, dimples surfacing on his cheeks. "We got seven, including the one given to us at the start," he boasted. "We took two from each Force since we were able to go to Eaton, Quincey, and Solas."

"That's a lot! Our strategy was a more...defensive stance," I explained.

Calandra shrugged, brown skin rosy from the chill. "I'm sure that'll be fine."

When It Reigns (Cursed Reigns, #1)Where stories live. Discover now