This is the way for mountain runners to communicate with each other. When her father heard the second daughter's voice, he quickened his pace and rushed here.

Hua Ya didn't say much. She took out two wild ginseng sticks from the basket and handed them to her father Lin Xiangyang.

Wild ginseng is rare to see. I don't know since when, Lin Xiangyang has become accustomed to receiving wild ginseng given to him by his second daughter. Mountain runners can't dig up a single wild ginseng all year round, but here in Huaya it's no more difficult than pulling out radishes.

"Did you go inside again?" Lin Xiangyang carefully took out the red cloth and carefully wrapped two precious wild ginseng sticks.

Hua Ya nodded slightly: "Yes."

In her previous life, she was angry with her husband and died of an illness, so she thought she could finally be freed. Unexpectedly, she opened her eyes and went back to fifteen years ago. There was only half a year before she married that beast.

From the pain at the beginning to the calmness now, she said little and decided to cherish this life, vowing not to have anything to do with that beast again, and not to make the same mistakes again.

"When will you talk more, girl?" The old father was very worried. He knew that his second daughter was very lucky when she ran into the mountains and could always dig out good things. Thanks to her, the family's debts were almost repaid, but her quiet temper made him worried.

Lin Xiangyang led the way down the mountain with a machete, and Hua Ya walked silently behind him. At the bottom of the mountain, the eldest sister Lin Juan, who was guarding the donkey cart, suddenly came to life. She raised her whip and the little donkey came ticking towards them.

"Second sister got something good again!" Lin Juan wanted to take the basket from Hua Ya, but she hit her. Lin Juan turned around and picked up Lin Xiangyang's basket. Lin Xiangyang's basket was full of heavy mushrooms.

Hua Ya pursed her lips and pointed into his pocket, and Lin Juan reached out and took it out.

"Second sister! You are so lucky!" Lin Juan hurriedly covered her mouth, looked back and forth, and lowered her voice and said, "How much are these two ginsengs worth?"

No matter how much it is worth, it cannot be sold openly, otherwise it will be speculation.

If Lin Xiangyang hadn't been a good friend for many years and had connections, and his honest and honest character, they would really have had their hands full.

Lin Xiangyang estimated that one could be sold for one hundred and eighty yuan, so he didn't tell Lin Juan and just asked her to sit in the back.

Lin Xiangyang took Lin Juan's whip and sat in front to drive the donkey cart. Lin Juan and Hua Ya were lying in the back, letting the sky open.

In contrast to Hua Ya's quietness, Lin Juan is a hot-tempered talkative.

She didn't care if the second sister gave her the necessary chat response, she was chattering like a plump sparrow, talking in Hua Ya's ear.

In the past, Hua Ya only thought it was noisy, but now that she is doing it again, she feels that Lin Juan like this is very good. It can only be said that people's moods change greatly.

"Dad, second sister and third sister, you are back. My eldest aunt and my old aunt came to our house again." Lin Hui is Lin Xiangyang's youngest son. When Lin Hui was three years old, after his first wife went up the mountain and was wiped out by a flash flood, he looked forward to his wife's return day and night, so he gave his youngest son the character "Hui" in his household registration.

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