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[FROZEN mentions]

Sanemi crossed his arms, glaring at Giyu, who glared back. Giyu was pissed now, and Sanemi knows why.

"You broke my door to my estate." Giyu says, his hand resting on the hilt of his katana.

"You had your door locked." Sanemi retorts, his arms crossed still, feeling that Giyu was in the wrong.

"For a reason." Giyu growls, his gaze getting more and more menacing each second.

Mitsuri clutches her uniform shirt in her hand, looking worriedly at the two men. "Giyu-san, it was in the past, you don't need to be so pissed about it now."

Giyu turns his gaze to her, and she squeaks, turning and rushing away nervously.

"She's right. The past is in the past." Sanemi agrees, and Giyu glares.

"It was last week!" He shouts, getting more and more pissed at Sanemi.

"Let it go! Let it go!" Sanemi teases, and Giyu lunges forward, pinning Sanemi to the ground.

"Don't let them in don't let the see!" Giyu shouts, glaring at Obani, who was at the door.

"Giyu, you're free!" Sabito urges from the table, sitting criss cross as he watches this go down.

"Be the good boy you always have to be!" Sanemi struggles, and Giyu doesn't let him up, glaring harshly.


DIE! ||•Giyu angst shots•|| ||×Written And Edited By Tokito_Muiricho×||Where stories live. Discover now