Chapter 5 ~ What is wrong with me?

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At the end there is a description on Sizer so this chapter will make more sense after you read it, but don't skip the chapter to read that! It will be extremely underwhelming if you read the quirk details before it! :)

Bakugo POV

A couple hours after... the incident, I go down stairs and see Deku sleeping on the couch. He is wrapped up with two throw blankets, and a couch pillow rested under his head. He was curled up into a ball and shaking visibly, an expression of pure fear written on his face as he sweated buckets. He is mumbling, but I can't quite catch what he says, but he sounds like he is scared. Suddenly, he sends a shockwave of a punch into the wall, making a huge dent.

Shaking more, he starts sending black whip everywhere and throwing stuff around. "Hey Deku, wake up, your having a nightmare." I say, approaching him as he yeets a throw blanket my way. I walk over and try to shake him, but he flinches as I touch him, scooting away. I start to see him lift his hand, black sparks forming in his palm. He suddenly shoots black whip at me, wrapping it around my waist, and flings me into the wall. "NERD! WAKE UP!" I yell as he flings me to the opposite side of the dorms.

As I fly by, I see the hobo man passing by. "HEY HOBO, WAKE HIM UP! HE'S GOiNg TO DESTROY EVERYTHING!" I scream as I am picked up again by black whip, and yet again flung into a wall.

I see him stand up, but his eyes are closed. He's sleepwalking. That's not good. The hobo slowly walks up to him, just to be hit with air force, hit into the stairs. I slowly get up, pain in my back from being flung across the dorms. He shoots another tendril at me, but I dodge. I slowly get closer, dodging his attempts to catch me. He starts visibly shaking, falling to his knees as I get closer.

As I place my hand on his shoulder, he starts sobbing and flailing, desperately trying to get away. "Deku, wake up! It's just a nightmare." I say as he throws his eyes open, fear written over them. He by now is sweating buckets, and he is shaking like a leaf. He slowly looks around, then starts hyperventilating and mumbling.

"Oi, hobo, come here! He's having a panic attack!" I yell in the general direction of our teacher. He slowly gets up and rushes to his side. He lays his hand on his shoulder and tries to calm him, and then I just realize how broken he looks. His eyes are dull and fearful, he is shaking like a leaf in a hurricane, he is slowly falling into a panic attack.

Izuku POV

After I fall asleep, I wake up to see Kamino Ward, and All for One fighting All Might. "Wo is losing now All Might?!" All for One cackles. He then picks up All Might by his neck and starts chocking him. "NO!" I scream, scrambling to get up. I start to run over but I am blocked in by some glass prison. I try to break the glass and get out with a powered punch, but it doesn't even make a dent. I snake black whip through the cracks to help, but when it reaches them, it goes straight through, like water. 

I keep trying, desperate to stop All for One from strangling All Might, but he keeps squeezing All Might's neck tighter and tighter until a booming crack sounds, and All for One drops my mentor's lifeless body. "NO! ALL MIGHT! GET UP PLEASE!" I scream, sobbing. All for One starts walking towards me, smirking. I try to back away as much as I can, but the glass prison is only so big. I keep trying to push him away with black whip, but it just goes clean through. 

He keeps walking closer and closer, until he is right in front of the prison. He then walks through the front of it as if it was made of air. At this point I'm shaking like a leaf in a hurricane and sobbing, as I desperately try to scramble away, knowing what he is going to do. He then places his hand on my shoulder, and it starts to glow blood red. I try to push it away, screaming in fear, but he just smiles. Then, I see him open his mouth to say something. "Say goodbye to One for All and everyone you love!" he spat, and then everything goes dark. 

I wake up, shooting up from the spot I was sitting, panic written all over my face. I open my eyes, just to see Kacchan and Aizawa Sensei looking up at me, eyes full of concern. I try to calm down, but then I see the surrounding area, completely destroyed. Did I do all this?! What if Aizawa Sensei is mad?! Or what if Principal Nezu decides to expel me for all of the property damage?! Or what if- I start to hyperventilate, spiraling into a pit of what ifs, each one worse than the last.

Bakugo POV

As I see the 10 foot tall Deku spiral into a panic attack, I try to calm him down, but nothing is working. "Hey hobo, get All Might, he will be able to help!" I yell, the panic in my voice clear as day. He nods and starts sprinting off to the teachers dorms in search of the nerd's mentor. While he's away I need to try and stop Deku from passing out I guess. I yell for pink cheeks to come down, since she is the closest with Deku among the extra's. 

"Coming!" she yells back. She comes down and sees all the damage, along with Deku panicking next to me, and gasps. "Deku, are you okay?" she asks, running up to him. When he sees her, he calms down a bit, but he starts crying again, mumbling something about All for One. "I-I'm f-fine Urarak-ka." he stutters out. 

Just then, All Might comes rushing into the demolished first floor of the dorms, Aizawa in tow. "Young Midoriya! Are you okay?" he asks slowly, walking over. "A-all Might.." he says before sobbing into his knees. "Its okay, I'm here now." he says, coming in for the hug. After a minute, Deku hugs back, but it looks super awkward because of how long his arms are from the quirk.

3rd Person POV

After Izuku and All Might break the hug, Aizawa gets off his call with Nezu and drawls, "Nezu said that Cementoss and some other construction workers will be here in a little bit to fix the damage done to the walls, they will finish by sundown." Izuku sighs in relief, and sags his shoulders, relaxing about the whole ordeal. 

"Can I help in any way with the construction? I was the one who caused it so I should help fix it! I'm pretty sure that the quirk that hit me will help in this situation, given that I'm 10 feet tall." Izuku asks Aizawa. "Sure, I'll tell Cementoss." He says before crawling into his sleeping bag- (How did he get that? No one will know.) And falls asleep. For the rest of the day Izuku helps Cementoss and the construction workers patch up the holes in the dorms.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hihihihihihi everyoneee. I assume now you all want an explanation on Sizer's quirk so here you go:

Quirk: Distort

He can manipulate the sizes of his target, as well as manipulate other physical and mental traits (Hence the weird voice and escalated nightmare). He can also manipulate himself, but on a much grander scale. If he uses it on another person, he can only choose the first couple sizes they go through, and he cannot turn it off once it starts, it has to play out for the amount of time he choose when he hit the person. To activate, he has to place all 5 of his fingers on the person. The downside is that he can get increasingly bad migraines and if he overuses his quirk too much, he can start bleeding from his eyes, ears, nose, mouth, etc.

Ok that was a Plus Ultra mouthful. Byee

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