Chapter 7 ~ Let the Villains be Found!

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Izuku POV

After what happened, I let the other guys climb my shirt for training and the girls to sit on my shoulders. We were having a good time until I noticed some faint rustling of the bushes out of the corner of my eye. I look over and investigate and I see the League of Villains?! They were staring at Aizawa Sensei, completely ignoring me. I quickly use my free hand with black whip and capture them. 

"Gotcha! No snooping on my watch!" I smirk, pulling them out of their spot. Everyone just stares wide eyed at the villains in question, as I quickly make some adjustments so I can hold out Mr. Compress's arms so he can't help his comrades escape. No thank you, I learned my lesson at camp. "Aizawa Sensei, please call someone about this, I don't want to have to hold them like puppets all day!" I quickly comment, and he quickly pulls out his phone.

He quickly gets to calling people and soon I hear sirens in the distance. As I wait, I see Toga try to bite the black whip and Dabi (*cough* *cough* Touya *cough*) try to burn it. "That's not going to work! Black whip is basically impossible to touch or break, it only bends at my will!" I laugh as their feeble attempts to escape become slower, and eventually stop. 

By the time they stop struggling, the authorities arrive, and a large group of officers and Detective Tsukauchi walk over. I lower them enough so they can put quirk cancelling cuffs on them, and I let them go. As I see the officers bring them over to the police cars, I see Detective Tsukauchi walk up to me. "Izuku Midoriya, right? You have done good work today, thank you for this. Aizawa told me what happened, but I did not expect you to get this big!" he chuckles. "Yea, I'm not sure why it made me grow so much this round!" I laugh. 

~Time Skip to Evening~

Everyone has headed inside by now, so I was outside alone, curled up on the big lawn next to the dorms. I crouch down and look through one of the windows to see what the others are doing. I see them having dinner, but some drop their food when they see my huge eye. Some look for a second and sigh in relief when they realize who it is. I see Uraraka come to the window and open it. "Hi Deku! Do you need something?" She asks. "No, I'm good! I just wanted to see what you guys were doing inside!" I smile, ignoring how hungry I am. "Oh ok!" she says, smiling, before walking away. 

I get up from my spot on the lawn, and decide to walk around. Might as well find a place to sleep, because I know they won't have a bed the size of a building. I look around and see a big field with tall grass. Looks perfect, the grass will be soft. I start to lay down, and get comfortable. I just look up at the sky, and see a small red and yellow bird. Wait.. There are no red and yellow birds that live here! I sit up and look closer, and I see Hawks. He looks down, and swoops over to me. 

"Hey Midoriya! What are you doing so far from UA?" he asks. "I'm not far! It took me two minutes to get here!" I reply. "Ya you are! Your 15 miles (A little more than 24 kilometers) away!" He notes. "15 miles?!" I say, shocked. "It probably felt like a short walk because of how big you are." he said, smiling. "O-oh yea." I say, my voice cracking as I sit down. 

I feel a stray tear fall down my cheek, and suddenly I'm sobbing, burying my head in my knees. "Oh hey Midoriya! Don't cry! What's wrong?" Hawks says, panicking as he lands on my knee. "I-it's just, after I got h-hit by this quirk, e-everyone has been treating me s-so much different. The first look I get after c-changing is pity or c-confusion! Its so hard! I-its just like when I was q-quirkless!" I sob. 

"Quirkless? But you have a quirk!" he says, sitting down. "My quirk developed late, at the end of Middle School, and I was born with two joints in my foot, so before it developed I was marked as quirkless." I say, sniffling. "Here, take this, it will make you feel better!" he says, holding out a big feather. "T-thanks." I say, taking the feather. "If you ever need me, just tell the feather, and I'll be there!" he says smiling. I wipe away my tears and smile. "Ok, I will. Thanks!" 

"I'll also tell the cat-terpillar to tell your peeps not to treat you different." he says, taking out his phone. "Oh no! You don't have to do that for me!" I say quickly. "Don't worry about it! It's clearly bringing you down, and I don't want you to feel sad!" he says, smiling. I'm about to tell him not to bother, but he brings his phone up to his ear and starts talking. After a minute, he brings the phone down from his ears and smiles, saying, "Done!" 

"You didn't have to, but thanks!" I say, bringing my hands up to him. Suddenly, I hear my stomach rumble really loud, and I wince. "Have you eaten anything?" he asks. "Well, not really, not after I shifted today, but its fine! I'll just eat good tomorrow!" I say, grinning. "Plus, when I'm this big, it would take way too much food that could go to something much more important." I mumble. 

"OK, but tomorrow, I'm going to make sure you eat!" he proclaims. "Thanks, it's probably late now, and don't you have to finish your patrol?" I say, looking at the sky. "Ok, but I'm coming back tomorrow!" he says, taking flight. "Night!" I call. "Night!" he yells back. I lay down and I immediately fall asleep. 

~Time Skip to the Morning~

Aizawa POV

I walk out and remember that Midoriya is still a skyscraper. I look at the time and see it's 7 am, so I go outside to check on him, but he is not there. Shoot, we forgot to give him something to sleep on. Wait, did we even give him food!? I quickly swing up to the top of the dorms and I look around. Where is he?! I start calling some UA staff to help find him. Me and the rest of the staff look around to find him, but we can't find him anywhere. 

Wait, the chicken called me last night about him, so maybe he went near his patrol area! I quickly call up the chicken, and he answers after a couple rings. "Hey CAT-terpillar! What's up!" he says. "Do you know where Midoriya is? You called me up last night talking about him, so I assume you know where he is." I answer as calmly as I can.

"Uh, yea I gave him one of my feathers to comfort him after he cried about how you all were treating him! Don't try to find him, he is still sleeping." he answers in an accusing tone. "Fine, just call me when he wakes up." I answer, over this. "Ok!" he answers brightly, before hanging up.

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Ok, so we are going to have some DadHawks in this fic! :3

Sized (Tiny Izuku AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora