Part 3 ~ Size up!

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Izuku POV

After I woke up, I texted in the group chat of 1A "Good Morning!". I swung over to the bathroom and used the tiny toothbrush and toothpaste that Yaoyorozu made me, as I heard my dorm open, to reveal Aizawa Sensei. "Good morning Aizawa Sensei!" I wave. "Good morning problem child." he smirked back. After I finished brushing my teeth, he stepped over and I got on his hand for him to bring me downstairs.

When he brought me down, I spotted Kacchan making pancakes, two of them really small. Aww he does care about me. I'll have to thank him later. Aizawa Sensei sets me down on the table, and says, "So Midoriya, I think its safe to say your size changes every 24 hours, so in about 2 hours, you may change again." "Ok, thank you for informing me Aizawa Sensei." I say in my small, high pitched voice.

Once Kacchan finishes cooking all the pancakes, everyone except for me goes in the kitchen and puts two pancakes in their plates, Uraraka grabbing one of my tiny plates and putting the small pancakes in. Everyone comes over to the table, and Uraraka puts my tiny plate onto my small table, before sitting next to me.

We all finish our breakfast, and we decide to play hide and seek, Mina being the seeker for the first round. Uraraka won the first round, floating on the ceiling, me being a close second, hiding behind the books on the bookshelves. We keep playing a couple rounds, then some sit down to play video games, while others just talk or play other things.

I was floating with Uraraka, but suddenly I felt immense pain in my chest, just like yesterday. Except today, it was much worse, so bad that I fell unconscious after a couple seconds.

Uraraka POV

As I was floating Deku-kun around with my quirk, I suddenly see a blinding light envelop him, and he screams in pain. "Deku-kun! Are you okay?!" I yell frantically. I see Iida running to get Aizawa Sensei, and everyone started crowding around, worried looks on our faces. I release him from my quirk, as the light ceases, revealing Deku-kun to be unconscious, about the size of a toddler.

After Aizawa Sensei comes he says, "He's okay, this is just one of the quirks affects on him, but this time the pain must have been pretty bad to have knocked him unconscious." Everyone sighs in relief, but everyone was thinking the same thing in that moment, That must have been pretty painful, considering his high pain tolerance.

I ran up to his dorm and put him in his bed since he is big enough not to get squished by the blanket now, and I slowly close the door, not to wake him up. Once I got back down, I told the class that he is sleeping peacefully now, and we continue to play around, but quieter now to not wake him up.

Izuku POV

Once I wake up, I see that I'm in my bed and that I grew again. This time must have been pretty bad for it to knock me out. I look over and see its 3 pm now. How long was I knocked out for?? I am now tall enough to reach the doorknob, so I walk over and open the door, going downstairs.

"Hey guys!" I say as I walk by on my way to the fridge. "Hey Deku-kun! Glad to see your doing well!" Uraraka warmly smiled. "Thanks! I am." I reply. I open the fridge and grab some leftovers from lunch and use black whip to hoist me up onto the counter so I can reach the microwave. After I finish that, I grab my food and walk back up to my dorm.

Time Skip to the next day provided to you by my laziness.

After I wake up, I hear a knock on the door. I walk over to check who it is and I see Aizawa Sensei. "Hi Aizawa Sensei! What are you doing here?" "Its 9:59, your about to change again, and I just wanted to make sure you would be okay." he said dryly. Right after he said that, I feel cold. Like, really cold. "Uum... Aizawa Sensei? I think its happening now, but it doesn't hurt. It feels.. cold?" I say, confused, as the bright light yet again engulfs me as I shiver.

When the bright light fades, I look around and see that I'm even smaller than I was when I first started! "Aizawa Sensei, we have a problem." I yell, but he doesn't seem to hear me. He starts walking around and he almost steps on me. I enable black whip and pull myself away as I yell in fear. Guess I'm too small for him to hear me at this height. I enable One for All and run out of my dorm, in fear that Aizawa Sensei will accidentally step on me. 

As I run to get help, I come across the doors to the front of the UA dorms. Maybe I can get an ant or something to ride. Once I walk out, I see a marching band of ants walking past the pavement, so I use black whip and muzzle it like I did with the cats. I steer it away and we walk into the dorms again. Once we walk for a bit, I see Mineta. Maybe he is short enough to hear me!  

"Mineta! Can you hear me?!" I yell as loud as I possibly can. He looks down, seeing me climb off the ant and says, "Midoriya? How are you so small? Here, climb onto my hand so I can help you." As he lowers his hand and I climb on, he smirks. He starts walking away, and I ask, "Where are we going?" "Somewhere where you will not get hurt." he snickers. 

As he keeps walking I see we are headed to the boys bathroom. Once he walks in he throws me into the sink. "Mineta?! What are you doing?!" I scream as he goes to turn on the water. "Removing the competition for the ladies." he laughs as I get washed down the drain.

To be continued...


Hiii I hope you guys like this chapter! I'm pleasantly surprised at how many people have read this book in the short time its been out! Until next time...

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