Chapter 6 ~ Sizing

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Hiii, I'm back! Not me writing two chapters worth on paper and the typing it up in one chapter.... Also like, you guys are insane! 200 reads?! Thank you soo muchhh, I did not expect it to get so much in this short amount of time

Also, like, I forgot to mention that they are off school while Izuku is like this, so just pretend I said that, okay? 

Izuku POV

The next morning after my "outburst" was pretty clam, not much happened. It went normally until 10 am when I was due to size again. I was taking a break from giving the girls piggy-back rides, and then that familiar glow enveloped me again, and I felt really cold. "Uuh, guys, can you please come, I think I'm going to shrink!" I yell, shivering. By the time Uraraka runs over with the other girls, the light fades and I open my eyes to see the girls looking down at me. 

I look around and see I'm not that tiny, maybe 4'5. I'm still shivering so Mina quickly throws me a blanket, in which I thank her for. "Thanks Mina," I say as I bundle up. "Are you okay?" Uraraka asks. "Yea I'm good, at least I'm not too small this time," I reply, grinning. I then see Aizawa Sensei coming down the stairs, and he sees me bundled up in the blanket with the other girls and lets out a sigh of relief. 

"Problem child, I was looking for you. I can see that this time its not too bad," he states, walking up to us. "Yea, at least I'm not huge or tiny!" I reply. Getting up from my spot, I start walking towards the stairs, dragging the blanket behind me, saying, "I'm just going to quickly tell Kacchan that I'm not miniscule or something." "Ok, just keep me updated," he says, walking over to his sleeping bag that appeared in the corner. We have learned not to question it by now.

~Time Skip to Bakugo's Dorm Room~

Once I get to Kacchan's dorm, I knock and yell, "Hey Kacchan! Can I come in?" "Sure nerd," he replies. I come in and see him laying on his bed, starting to sit up. "Hiii!" I greet. "Hey nerd, I see you aren't a skyscraper anymore, that's good." he remarks. " Yea, and I'm not an ant either, so that's good news too," I note.

"Oh right, sorry about that" he says, wincing. "Like I said, Its not your fault! I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time!" I declare, throwing my hands in the air. "Okay, okay. So, what do you want to do now? he questions. "How about we play Monopoly?" I suggest. "Sure, you can be banker," he replies, smirking as he grabs the game.

~Time Skip to 15 Minutes Later~

"STUPID DEKU! HOW ARE YOU WINNING?!" he shrieks. "I'm just that good!" I giggle sadistically, sending shivers down his spine. After he recovers, he rolls the dice. "Oop, a two and a six! That's my hotel! Pay up Kacchan!" I grin mischievously, " That will be 2,000 bucks!" "Tch, I don't have enough, you win," he says, muttering that last part. "I'm sorry Kacchan, I didn't quite catch that! What did you say?" I quip. " I SAID YOU WIN DAMNIT!" he screeches.

"Lets go downstairs to have lunch! Its already 12 pm!" I say happily, noting the time. He "tch"ed (I forgot what its called when someone does that) and sulked behind me as we head downstairs. Once we get down, we see everyone ordering food online, so I ask for them to get me the spiciest thing they have. 

"Isn't that a little extreme Midoriya? I mean, we know you are immune to spiciness, but come on!" Mina asks. "How is it extreme? I've looked all over Japan, and nothing is spicy enough to knock me down!" I cross my arms as I speak, " Its kind of disappointing actually, I think I'm going to get a challenge, but they never pack a big enough punch!" "Well okay, if you say so..." Mina trails. 

~Time Skip to when Le Food Arrives~

3rd Person POV

"Okay, I got Midoriya the Carolina Reaper burger! Lets see how he reacts to this monster! Mina squeals. "Midoriya! I got your burger!" Mina yells in his general direction. "Coming!" he yells back, pumped to see what she got him. "Be careful, its said that even the smell of this burger has knocked people out," she whispers in his ear as she hands it to him. 

"Thanks Mina!" he says cheerfully, grabbing a plate. Everyone stares as he takes the first bite, curious how he will react to the spiciest burger they could find. "Definitely the spiciest thing I've had, probably my favorite, but still, could be a bit more spicy. Kacchan, do you want to try it?" he said, smiling sadistically.

"Sure nerd," he says, smirking. He walks over and Izuku offers him the burger. He takes it, and takes a bite out of it. He immediately drops he burger in the plate and sprints to the fridge, shrieking, "WHAT THE HELL?! HOW IS THAT DAMN THING SO SPICY?!" Everyone just stares in horror as Izuku continues to eat his spicy burger happily.

~Time Skip to the Evening~

Izuku POV

Me and Kacchan walk downstairs after I beat him at Fortnight... again... "Hey bros! Want to play a Minecraft Manhunt with me and the other guys? The girls will be watching!" Kirishima calls. "Sure! I'll quickly grab my laptop!" I say, dragging Kacchan behind me as I run back to my room.

~Time Skip to Le Manhunt~

"Okay, is everyone on the server>" Kirishima checks. Everyone responds with "yea" or "yes". "Ok! Girls, who will be our hunter?" he asks. They group together and talk for a couple minutes, before they spread back out, Momo saying, "Midoriya, do you want to be the hunter?" "Sure!" I smile, making Kacchan shudder. 

We start the manhunt, and in the first two minutes, I already have stone tools while everyone else is gathering wood. I take out my compass, and it leads me to the nearest player, which happens to be Shoji, who I kill in two hits without a fight. "One down, eleven to go!" I say cheerfully. I quickly run through a cave and mine and cook iron, making it into a pickaxe and axe. It starts to become night, and everyone gets in their beds, while I go on my midnight slaughter. 

By morning, six more guys are down, and I'm in the zone. "You guys aren't even trying! I've already killed seven of you!" I giggle sadistically, making everyone more fearful. I quickly run down in a cave and find diamonds, and make them into a chest plate and axe. I sprint out of the cave and go on a spree, killing three more. "All there is left is Kirishima and Kacchan~ Lets see how you two hold up~" I grin so wide it puts the Cheshire cat to shame.

I quickly jump down from a tree on to Kirishima, swiping at him twice, and killing him in the process. I turn around and run around Kacchan, dodging his attempts to hit me, and deal the finishing blow with my diamond axe. "Nice! I win!" I laugh, standing up from my spot on the couch. "I'm going to go to bed now, I'm kind of tired. See you in the morning!" I say, leaving the stunned group of 18 behind me as I walk upstairs.

~Time Skip to the Next Day~

I wake up and immediately go over to Kacchan's to hang out, and until 10, we were having a great time playing Uno. He was dealing out the cards for the next round, and I suddenly feel really hot as the light envelopes me again. 

"Kacchan, this is going to sound weird, but I need you to throw me out the window!" I say, collapsing due to how hot I am. "Why?" he asks, confused. "JUST DO IT!" I yell, feeling it start. "Okay, okay." he says as he picks me up and opens the window. He quickly chucks me out, and after a few seconds I land on my butt, a couple meters away from the window. 

"You have to be kidding me!" I groan, just as I hear a thud come from Kacchan's room. I see Aizawa Sensei come to the window after a few seconds, and he groans. "How does everything bad happen to you problem child?" "I really don't know," I answer truthfully. "And here I thought it couldn't get worse," Aizawa Sensei grumbled. Just the, I see the rest of the class running outside. Probably to check what the loud thud was. "Hi guys?" I say uncertainly, cringing.

They just keep staring, and I get really uncomfortable. "Guys?" I ask again. Suddenly, they snap out of the daze. "Midoriya? Is that you?" Iida yells, baffled. "Of course its him! Who else would it be?! Oi Deku, bring me down to these extras!" Kacchan yells. "Sure." I say, bringing my hand up to the balcony. He quickly climbs on, and Aizawa Sensei swings on with his capture tape. I move my hand over to the others once I know Kacchan has a good grip on one of my fingers. After I let them down, I stand up and see I'm a little bit taller than the dorms. "So, what do we do now?" I ask.

~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~

Hii I hope you guys liked this chapter! Bye for now!

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