Chapter 4 ~ Drained, Swallowed, and So Much More

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Aizawa POV

Right after I bust into Midoriya's room, he starts to size again, but he tells me it doesn't hurt this time? After the bright light fades again, I can't find him. "Midoriya? Where are you?" I say as I take a step forward. As I step, I hear a very faint squeal. I crouch down to see a very tiny Midoriya bolting out of his room in fear.

"Midoriya! Wait!" I yell, but he kept running. I quickly call Nezu and tell him to use the speakers in the 1A dorms to tell the class to find Midoriya. "Ok Aizawa, I'm doing it now." he says over the phone. "Great, thanks." I say as I hang up. A few minutes later, I hear it over the speakers, and everyone starts searching frantically. We search for hours, but we can't find him.

Izuku POV

After he washes me down the drain, I frantically start swimming with One for All to try and get out, but the current is too strong and it pulls me through the pipes. For a few minutes I'm just thrown side to side in the pipes, finding small pockets of air to breathe from.

After 10 minutes, I land in the sewers. Gross! I'm definitely taking a nice, long shower after this. After being thrown around a little bit more, I come across a ladder, and I latch onto it like my life depends on it, which it does.

After a little bit of latching on to that ladder hanging on for dear life, I finally pull myself up and onto the concrete floor. I start walking to see where that dirty, smelly water ends up. After walking for a while, I saw that it goes through several filters before being dumped in the ocean.

I should probably clean myself off, I think as I look down at my clothes in disgust. I attach black whip to a nearby pole and after making sure its secure, I jump into the clean water, and in seconds, I'm soaked and the rushing water removes the vile muck that I was caked in.

As I retract black whip after climbing out of the water, I start walking towards the ocean, and once I get over to where the large hole is, I climb out and start walking to a nearby map so I can see where I am, but then I look around and see that I don't need to because I'm at Takoba Municipal Beach Park.

Once I realize where I am, I start walking to my house, hoping to get help from my mom to get back to UA. So I don't get squished, I swing with black whip over to my mom's apartment. Once I get to the building, I swing over to my mom's apartment and crawl under the door. Once I get through, I see my mom having lunch in the dining room. "Mom! Help!" I yell as I run over to her. I jump on the table, and yell out to her again, but she doesn't hear me.

Using black whip, I hook onto her ear, and swing up. "Mom! Can you hear me?!" I yell again. "Izuku? Where are you?" she asks, swinging her head around. After what happened with Aizawa Sensei, I was prepared and left black whip hooked on her ear. "Stop shaking your head! Your going to make me fall!" I yelp.

"Where are you? I don't see you." she asks, stopping. "As the school probably told you, I got hit by a shrinking quirk. Please hold your hand up to your right ear so I can climb down!" I say, softer this time. As she brings her hand up she replies, "Oh yes, I heard from the school that you would be staying there! So why are you here?" "One of the students in my class... accidentally washed me down a drain."

After she brings her hand back over to see me, she looks at me surprised. "Well, do you want me to bring you back to UA? And I didn't think you would get this small!"" Yes please mom! I think that UA is a little too far for me to get to on my own." I chuckle. "Well, okay. Can I put you here for a second so I can grab my keys?" she questions. "Sure!" I reply, climbing off her hand. After she grabs her keys, she set her hand down, and I climbed on and we drove away.

As she drives, she calls UA and tells them that she is bringing me back and for them to let us in. once we get there, the UA barrier opens and we step in, to see a relieved looking Aizawa Sensei standing outside the dorms. My mom walks over to him, and I climb off her hand and on to his. "Thank you so much Mrs. Midoriya, I did not expect him to get all the way to your house." Aizawa Sensei sighed in relief. "Aizawa Sensei, can I talk to you inside?" I yell. "Ok," he replies as we head inside.

Sized (Tiny Izuku)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora