Chapter 2 ~ What Happened?

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Izuku POV
As Aizawa Sensei brought me to my dorm, the "Baku-Squad" as they liked to call themselves, stopped Aizawa Sensei. "What do you problem children want?" Aizawa Sensei sighed. "What's in your pocket? You never put stuff in there." Mina curiously looked. " None of your business. Now leave me alone." Aizawa Sensei countered. " Fine, but let us see first!" Kaminari lunged. As Aizawa Sensei stepped out of the way, I let out a yelp of surprise as I lost my balance. "Did the thing in your pocket just yell? And why do I see a bit of green sticking out?" Kirishima quizzed.

"Go back to your dorms, you all have earned yourselves house arrest until further notice. You can't attack teachers out of the blue like that." Aizawa Sensei yelled as he turned on his quirk. After the others walked away to go to their dorms, Aizawa Sensei calmly strode over to an empty elevator. "You didn't have to do that Aizawa Sensei." I whispered. " Don't worry problem child, I'll lift the house arrest after you reveal yourself to be minuscule." He chuckled. "Ok!" I squeaked.

Once we made it to my dorm, I told Aizawa Sensei that my phone is in my desk, and he picked it up and placed it next to my "bed". After he did that, he held his hand next to his pocket as I climbed out and walked onto his hand. Once I climbed on, he curled his fingers so I could hold on and he slowly moved his hand over to the windowsill.

Once his hand was on the windowsill, I climbed off and unlocked my phone with the password. Once I walked over, I felt an excruciating pain in my chest, and a flash of light filled my room, as Aizawa Sensei shielded his eyes. "AAAHHHH!" I screamed in pain. I was wishing and hoping that it would stop, and it stopped as fast as it came.

When I stood back up, I felt different. "Aizawa Sensei?" I asked. "Problem child! I'm glad your okay." he smirked before returning to his usual monotone expression, before concluding that I grew. "It seems that you grew in size, perhaps an inch." he drawled.

"That will be so much easier now that I'm taller than I was! Oh yea, I was going to text everyone!" I say, walking over to my phone. After I open my phone, I open messages and see that everyone (including Kacchan) has texted me several times. "Geez guys, I have been gone for one day and you blow up my phone." I mutter under my breath.

1A Group Chat

CinnamonRoll: Guys I'm okay! Why did you blow up my phone overnight? I had over 1,000 texts.😑

TheoryKing: Midoriya hey, where were you? I only found your hero costume in the corner of the alley torn up, I left it in case you came back.


TailMan: Hey Midoriya, we were getting worried

CinnamonRoll: Thanks you guys! Especially you Todoroki, if you took my hero costume, I would probably have been eaten by an alley cat 😅

Kirby: Eaten?! Are you okay?!

PikaPika: Ya Midobro that sounds kinda traumatizing

AngerIssues: DA FOOF?!?!?!

TheoryKing: How so?

CinnamonRoll: You guys, just come to my dorm and you will see. 

Kirby: Ok!

TheoryKing: Ok Midoriya.

17 others replied with ok (my lazy butt will not write every single persons name just to say ok)

20 people went offline

I sigh as I walk away from my massive phone. "Aizawa Sensei? Can you unlock my dorm?" " Sure problem child." He said as he walked over. "Thanks." I reply. As soon as Aizawa Sensei unlocks the door, all of class 1A floods in, startling me. When they first come in though, they don't see me because of my size.

"Midoriya where are you." Todoroki asks. "Over here!" I yell to get their attention. They look over to where I am and half the class "Awws"." So if I where to guess what happened, Sizer used his quirk on you?" Todoroki calmly notes. "Uum... yeah." I say.

"Hey guys! How about we all go downstairs to eat lunch?" Kirishima noted. After we all agreed to go downstairs and eat, I hopped on Aizawa Sensei's hand and we all headed downstairs.

As Kacchan made kasudon for him and me, everyone else ordered fast food, which I thought was weird because home cooked food is much better.

After everyone got their foods, Momo having made me mini utensils and mini plates and bowls, and we sat down to eat, I realized that I can't sit at the table because of my size, so Momo also made me a tiny table and chair so I could sit with everyone.

As we ate, I saw why no one got the kasudon from Kacchan, he made it really spicy, but I thought it was good. After all, I was his childhood friend, so we ate at each others houses all the time!

"This is really good Kacchan!" I smiled. Everyone stared at me in horror. "What's wrong? Was it something I said?" I contemplated. "No no it's just that we've all tried Bakubabe's food before, and we all agreed it was way too spicy. It almost sent Denki to the hospital!" Mina explained.

"Oh I didn't know." I look down. We all quickly finish our food and I swing over to my room, sliding under the door.

Using One for All at 20%, I moved my phone sideways so I could watch a movie. I start typing a text to Aizawa Sensei to ask if he could get me some popcorn, but then I hear laughing from downstairs, so I don't send it yet.

I go and swing downstairs to see most of the class in a circle playing truth or dare. "Hey guys! Can I join?" I ask. "Sure Midobabe! Do you want to sit on someone's hand or something? We all wouldn't want someone to scoot and squish you." Mina replies. "Nah, I can just sit on the couch if we shift the circle a bit!" I follow up.

After everyone moved, I swing over and sit down, and Mina grabs a bottle. "Since I'm the one that got the bottle, I'll go first!" Mina says. She spun the bottle and it landed on Jiro. "Jiro truth or dare!" Mina squealed. "Dare I guess." She answered. "Oooh I dare you to kiss Denki!" she yelled, as Jiro and Denki both turn bright red. But after a second she walks over to Denki and they kiss!

Everyone "awwed" and made pictures, some for blackmail, some for the pure cuteness. Jiro then runs back to her spot embarrassed, and spins the bottle. It lands on me, and everyone stares expectantly at me. "Ok Midoriya truth or dare?" "Dare!" I answer Jiro. "Ok, umm how about you hang upside down with black whip for the next few turns!" Jiro says as she pulls me up from my seated position with her jacks. "Fine but first let me try and spin the bottle." I say, jumping down from the couch.

I walk over to the bottle and try to push it, but its soo heavy! I push with all my might, with One for All activated, and I cant push it. "Can someone help me? I'm too small to push it." I mumble, embarrassed.

"Sure Midoriya! Here, I'll push it for you!" Uraraka says, smiling. "Thanks! Now I've got to hang out." I say smiling back.

We keep on playing until its 8 pm, and I have some of the leftover kasudon, and Uraraka brings me to my dorm. "Thanks Uraraka!" I thank her after she lets me down from her hand on my windowsill. "No problem!" She replies. "I think I'm going to sleep now, good night!" I say, waving.

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Heyy I'm back!

Get ready for a lot of updates this labor day weekend!

Bye for now!

Sized (Tiny Izuku)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang