29 Wolf

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Hermione led Buckbeak through the forest, leading him with the ferrets. She threw one in the air, and Buckbeak jumped, grabbing it. He left the last couple on the ground.

    "Now what?" I asked.

    "We save Sirius." Hermione said.

    "How?" Harry asked.

    "No idea." Hermione answered.

We went through the woods, leaving Buckbeak safe behind us. We stopped. We made it to the edge, and we could see the Whomping Willow. We were still quite a bit away and hidden from view.

    "It's Lupin." Appoint out as we spot him approaching the tree.

    "Immobulus!" Lupin said in the tree froze, allowing him to see if we enter.

    "And Snape's coming." Hermione said as we watched Professor Snape follow not far behind Lupin.

   "And now we wait." Harry said.

    "And now we wait." Hermione agreed.

We sat down keeping our view of the tree.

As the sun was now just about gone mini bats flew past us.

    "At least someone's enjoying himself." Hermione said, referring to Buckbeak who was happily catching the bats.

    "Yeah." Harry nodded. "Hermione, (Y/n)?"

    "Yeah." Hermione said.

     "Before, down by the lake, when we were with Sirius..." Harry looked at me. "I did see someone. That someone made the Dementors go away."

    "With a Patronus." Hermione nodded. " I heard Snape telling Dumbledore. According to him, only a really powerful Wizard could've conjured it."

    "It was my Dad." Harry smiled. "It was my Dad who conjured the Patronus."

    "But your Dad is—" I started.

    "Dead. I know. I'm just telling you what I saw." Harry said.

    "Here we come." Hermione pointed. We stood up and watched ourselves exit the tree.

    "You see my Dad talking to me over there?" I point.

    "Uh-huh." Hermione nodded.

     "He said I could come and live with him." I smile.

    "That's great." Hermione said.

    "And Harry. He said you can come to." I say.

    "You're serious?" Harry asked.

    "When we free him, you'll never have to go back to the Dursleys'. It can just be you, me and him. We could live in the country some place you can see the sky. I think it would be nice after being locked up for so long." I explain.

    "(Y/n)!" The past Hermione, called as the moon came up from the clouds and Lupin began to change.

    "RUN! RUN!" My Dad yelled.

We heard our screams and I saw my Dad as a dog jump at the Werewolf.

    "Let's go." Harry said, starting to run through the bushes. Following the direction, Lupin was running after my Father.

We saw Harry throw a rock at the Werewolf, catching his attention as me in the form of a dog stood in front of him. Lupin started running for us.

    "Awooo!" I looked beside me to see Hermione howling.

    "What are you doing?" Harry pulled her hands away from her face.

    "Saving your lives." She told us and howled again.

    "Thanks." Harry said.

     "But now he's coming for us." I say.

    "Yeah, didn't think about that. Run!" Hermione told us.

We turned around and bolted. But we knew we can't out run a Werewolf.

We could hear the Werewolf growl as he ran after us.
Harry trip and I quickly pulled him up. Keeping hold of his hand. Hermione grabbed me and pulled us behind a large tree.
I press my back against the bark, not doing to make a noise. We scooted to the other side as we saw the Werewolf looking for us. His eyes load in the moonlight. We heard him howl and continue moving around the tree trying to keep out of his sight, but that was a bad idea. When we heard the snap of a twig, and turned around, we were face-to-face with the Werewolf.
I let go of Harry's hand. And change into a dog. I jump at Lupin. And make sure to avoid his teeth as he tries to bite me. I didn't know if it would affect me as a dog, but I didn't wanna take the chance so I made sure the only sharp things that came in contact with me were his claws. I tried my best to keep him away from Harry and Hermione.
He threw me against the tree and started towards Harry and Hermione. But before he can do anything Buckbeak blue in front of them kicking Lupin in the head. The Werewolf barked at Buckbeak. But Buckbeak was unbothered and flapped his wings.
Lupin whimpered and ran away.

    "That was so scary." Hermione buried her head in Harry's chest.

     "Poor Professor Lupin's, having a really tough night." His eyes then landed on me. "(Y/n)." Harry called and ran over.

I changed back into myself.

    "Are you all right?" Hermione asked worried.

     "I'll live." I groaned in pain holding my side.
Harry helped me up.

   "How long have you been able to do that?" He wondered.

    "Since last summer." I told him.

Everything suddenly started to get cold.
We looked up to see Dementors, hundreds of them heading in the direction Sirius, I and Harry were.

   "Sirius. Come on!" Harry yelled.
I almost fell when I took a step, so I change back into a dog. I could run faster.
I hurried after Harry and Hermione soon leading the way. We stopped when we reached the other side of the lake. I changed back to myself and leaned against a tree holding my side.
I could see our old selves and my Dad. I was lying unconscious in front of Harry in beside my Dad.
Harry called out is he crumpled.

   "It's horrible." Hermione watched.

    "Don't worry. My Dad will come. He'll conjure the Petronas." Harry said, confidently. "Any minute now. Right there. You'll see."
More Dementors approached our bodies.

   "Harry, listen to me. No one's coming." Hermione told him.

    "Don't worry, he will. He will come." Harry said.

    "You're dying... all of you." Hermione noticed.

    "Harry!" I called is Harry ran forward.

    "Expecto Patronum!" Harry yelled.
A bright light came from his Wand and a stag. Sending the Dementors away. When the light stopped, all the Dementors were gone.

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