Chapter Twenty-Five: New Friends.

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Shadowheart led in hand by a skipping Citrine went back to the market to find Tovier, Citrine was happily letting Shadowheart know about his cared for animals. "So you want to get horses that were once in unsightly positions before to be our traveling companions now?"

"They aren't any longer, we are a nice group we wouldn't treat them poorly. Besides it is better to say it out loud than to put a sugar coating on it. Some of his animal's past owners were abused not all of them, if we refuse to say what actually happened then they will not get the justice they deserve. Not all of them were abused though some were injured, some sick but the ones that were deserve to feel justified in their anger or hurt." Citrine pulled Shadowheart to face her.

"Not all of us can speak to animals anytime we decide Citrine, to some it might feel like you are just bringing in potential problems."

"Are those some, you?" Citrine smiled she did not take Shadowheart's words as some sort of a dig.

"Well, yes." Shadowheart looked down from her best friend. "It just seems like this is a distraction rather than something helpful."

Citrine hugged her friend, still in Shadowheart's arms, "I could of left you in the pod, or alone on the beach. I didn't though and it turns out that was pretty helpful. I got my best friend." Shadowheart hugged her back.

"I'm not a horse though." The two laughed Citrine, led Shadowheart further into the market her eyes catching Tovier's.

He waved, he seemed to be packing up. Citrine hastened their walk approaching his stall. "Back already, couldn't get enough stories?"

"This is Shadowheart, we are going to be leaving soon and I was wondering if you had any horses or perhaps knew someone who did?" Citrine smiled at her newfound friend.

"Tovier, it is lovely to meet any friend of Citrine's. I have two, one was rescued from a mill that was overworking and underfeeding the poor lamb, and the other used to breed only allowed to keep foal until they could eat on properly and then ripped from her children. Both have created quite the bond and would have to be a package deal. I'm sad to hear you'll be leaving soon though. As for anyone selling horses if you should need more all of the ones I know are on the outskirts of Waterdeep and are good people. I'd say you'd be in good hands."

The three spoke for a while as they all worked to get all the animals settled into his cart, Tovier gave directions to his home for their whole group to meet for dinner. The two women left back for Gale's.

"He is lovely I see why you wanted to go back. I didn't think of myself as the type to enjoy meeting and making new friends but I'm glad you dragged me out here." Shadowheart smiled at Citrine.

"I know." Citrine's laugh was sweet and playful.

Gale's mood was in high spirits as the two walked in the doors. "What has you all cheery Gale? Find some ancient artifact to have as a snack before dinner?" Shadowheart teased the wizard.

"I don't know how many times I have to explain that I don't eat magical artifacts I absorb them, but besides your lack of understanding the Gods are on our side it would seem. The Last Days Circus are headed to Daggerford a farming community only an eight-day ride from here if we push it but since they are still headed in that direction we can make it about ten and still be a day or two ahead of them."

"That is wonderful news, Gale!" Citrine was beaming. She happily hugged Gale, "We will see our friends soon!" She left the two to conversation to check up on her new friend and her other furry ones. She joyfully skipped a couple of steps as she climbed Gale's stairs to her room.

She opened her door to find Astarion looking at his portrait, his fingers traced his painted face. His ears perked at her entry. "I was just admiring your gift." He placed the portrait down on the bed, his fingers lingered on his painted skin.

"As you should, I don't remember if I've told you lately but you are beautiful Astarion." She walked to the other side of the bed and sat down. "There is no shame in admiring that."

"I don't have any shame in it, I know I'm beautiful." Astarion's shoulders moved back as he straightened his spine proudly. "It still messes with my head a little, seeing myself. Although I do think the artist in question has messed up this bit here, he said pointing to a faded mole on his cheek. One you wouldn't catch unless you studied his face.

"No, it is there and I'd kiss it if it wouldn't cause you pain." Citrine's smile was sweet and she looked at Astarion in all his wonder.

"I do not!"

"It isn't a flaw, no part of you is flawed, not your looks, your heart or soul." Citrine started to reach for him, but catching herself she pulled back.

"I know that." His voice had the faintest hint of uncertainty. "Did you manage to bring back any more animals? Turn Gale's home into a zoo?"

"I did not though we were going to Tovier's for dinner and will be meeting two horses that might be joining us if they like us well enough." Her head dropped. "Speaking of dinner, how are you faring?"

"I'm faring just fine, lovely little butcher shop here in Waterdeep that doesn't ask many questions when buying gallons of blood." Citrine looked to him he had spoken the words so matter of fact but she knew from their past conversations that thinking creatures blood suited him better, nourished him in a way that animals could not.

"You don't have to touch me for me to still help you." Astarion's brow shot up, he stood back from her a little.

"Oh and what do you plan on doing? Slitting your skin till blood pours out into a jar? Do not reduce yourself to some blood-drain cattle." There was anger in his words.

"I'm not reducing myself I'm merely just suggesting that I can still help you. What I do with my own body is my choice."

"That it is darling and what I drink is mine. Pour your blood out like wine all you want that doesn't mean I will drink."

There was a thickness in the air, the two stared back at each other not dare to break eye contact. A knock at the door broke the silence and the two dropped their gaze. Citrine moved to the nightstand getting her new friend Olivia out.

"Come in." Astarion's voice held a fake chipperness to it.

Gale and Shadowheart entered the room, "I hear we are going to a new friend of yours for dinner tonight and I have the perfect red to bring to our host, though I heard he is a dwarf, and perhaps something stronger would be better but it does have an exquisite taste that leaves you begging for the bottle to never finish Elverquisst, the taste of the sweetest summer bearing fruits."

"You shouldn't just assume that since one is a dwarf they are also an alcoholic. Some would take offense to generalizing a whole population by some stereotypes." Astarion shot a look at Gale, his brows furrowed.

"I did not mean offense I just haven't met a dwarf who didn't know their drinks." Gale held eyes with Astarion. "I do think we should start getting ready from the directions Shadowheart gave me we are going to be walking a distance and I'd hate for us to be late, it would be rude." 

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