Side stories [1]

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Once upon a time in a quiet, neighborhood, two siblings named Sakura and Sasori found themselves with an entire day of freedom. Sakura, the younger of the two, had been looking forward to this day for weeks. With their parents away for the weekend, the duo decided to embark on an adventure of their own.

Sasori, being the responsible big brother, took Sakura's hand and said, "Today, little sis, is all about fun and games. Let's go to the arcade!"

Sakura's eyes lit up with excitement, and she nodded vigorously. She had heard tales of the arcade's flashing lights, the cacophony of sounds, and the endless array of games. It was a place where dreams came true, at least in the eyes of an eight-year-old.

Hand in hand, they strolled down the sunlit streets towards the arcade, their laughter and chatter filling the air. As they approached their destination, Sakura couldn't contain her eagerness any longer. "Big brother, do you think we can play all the games there?"

Sasori chuckled at her enthusiasm. "We'll certainly try, Sakura. But let's make a list of our top favorites. Deal?"

With a pad and pen in hand, Sasori and Sakura sat on a park bench just outside the arcade and began drafting their list. They decided on classics like air hockey, skee-ball, and the mesmerizing dance dance revolution.

Finally, they entered the arcade, greeted by an explosion of colors and sounds. Sakura's eyes widened as she beheld the neon-lit wonderland. She couldn't decide which game to play first.

Sasori, with his older brother instincts, guided her towards the air hockey table. They battled fiercely, each strike of the puck resonating with giggles and shouts. Sasori let Sakura win a few rounds, relishing the joy on her face.

As the day wore on, they moved from game to game, experiencing the thrilling rush of racing cars, the challenge of claw machines, and the joy of winning tickets. Their pockets filled with those coveted tickets, they eagerly exchanged them for small prizes - plush toys, keychains, and candies.

By late afternoon, Sakura tugged on Sasori's shirt, her eyes drooping with exhaustion. "Big brother, I think I'm ready to go home now."

Sasori ruffled her hair affectionately. "Alright, little champ. We've had quite the adventure today."

Leaving the arcade, they walked home hand in hand once more, the setting sun casting a warm, golden glow over the neighborhood. Sakura leaned against her brother's side, content and happy.

As they reached their doorstep, Sasori couldn't help but smile down at his sister. "You know, Sakura, today was a great day. But the best part was spending it with you."

Sakura beamed up at him. "I love you, big brother."

"I love you too, Sakura," he replied, his heart filled with a warmth that only family could bring. Together, they stepped into their home, cherishing the memory of their arcade adventure, and looking forward to many more to come.


Hey guys this is actually from my drafts, its a book that is full of oneshots! I decided to post it here as side stories for you guys to read, if ever I'm too busy or something, I'll post side stories instead🫶

Hey guys this is actually from my drafts, its a book that is full of oneshots! I decided to post it here as side stories for you guys to read, if ever I'm too busy or something, I'll post side stories instead🫶

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