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⊱ ──── {⋆ 🌌 ⋆} ──── ⊰

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⊱ ──── {⋆ 🌌 ⋆} ──── ⊰

THE COMPANY OF DWARVES, GANDALF, MARISTELA, AND THEIR HOBBIT had settled for the night on the edge of a cliff; it had been almost three days since they had left the Shire. As Glóin sleeps, tiny flying insects get sucked into his mouth every time he inhales, and they are expelled when he exhales. Bilbo watched in disgust before he pushed off of the ground and walked around, Maristela watched him for a moment before focusing back on sharpening her dagger.

Most of the Dwarves were sleeping soundly but Fíli and Kíli were seated near the fair lady, Fíli watching Maristela's quick skill of sharpening the unique dagger. "That's no ordinary dagger," Fíli pointed out quietly, his brother turned to look at the blade in Maristela's weapon. "It was a gift to me by someone you may not care to know," Maristela replied to him, she noticed the way he smirked. "Is there someone waiting for your return?" Fíli asked making Maristela roll her eyes.

"It's all I have left of my mother," Maristela told the brothers who immediately dropped the teasing grins from their faces. "How did she?" Kíli asked cautiously while Maristela glanced at Gandalf who was staring off into the distance with a solemn expression. "She stood toe-to-toe with an Orc known as Mauldra. He was the predecessor of Azog the Defiler," Maristela answered him before her eyes hardened, "Mauldra wanted to burn a village in Rohan to the ground but my mother stood in the way."

"And Mauldra?" Fíli asked further. "It's believed that he perished in the battle but whether that is true or not, I do not know. However, should Mauldra ever stand before me, I will strike him down with no mercy," Maristela seethed before she took in a deep breath to relax. Before the brothers could ask anything further, a scream echoed through the night air and Maristela tensed at the familiar sound of a Warg's screech. Bilbo rushed over to Fíli, Kíli, and Maristela with a worried expression, "What was that?"

"Orcs," Kíli told him as Maristela moved to stand by the cliff edge, her Elf eyes focused on the vast environment; locking on the very beast she heard screeching through the night. Attica moved from his spot to lay by Maristela, he curled up and waited for Maristela to lay against him; she smiled when Attica's tail wrapped around her as a safety blanket. Another scream echoes through the night and Thorin, who was dozing, jerks awake upon hearing it.

"Orcs?" Bilbo inquired further, his knowledge of the beasts lurking wasn't extensive. "Throat-cutters. There'll be dozens of them out there. The lowlands are crawling with them," Fíli taunted, he was taking the chance to mess with Bilbo without thinking about the childish antics. "They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep. Quick and quiet; no screams, just lots of blood," Kíli added once he caught on to his brother's teasing tone. Bilbo looks away in fright; Fíli and Kíli look at each other and begin laughing.

"You think that's funny?" Thorin asked harshly causing his nephews to stop laughing, "You think a night raid by Orcs is a joke?" Maristela turned her head to look towards Thorin who was glaring down at his nephews. "We didn't mean anything by it," Kíli replied to his uncle in shame, The other Dwarves had awoken from their sleep upon hearing the conversation. "No, you didn't. You know nothing of the world," Thorin scolded before he turned to stand at the edge of the cliff, looking over the valley as Balin walked over to Fíli, Kíli, and Bilbo.

✓ | 𝐒𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ♡ Legolas GreenleafWhere stories live. Discover now