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I sat down with Lexi and Uriah, releasing a massive sigh as I did so. They were sat at our usual table, digging into large plates of food.

"What's up?" Lexi asked, seeming worried about me. Her eyes were scanning my face, almost like she was trying to read my mind. "Rough day?"

"Very rough." I rolled my eyes, "you'll never guess what Eric ordered in this afternoons training."

"He made you shoot someone" Uriah offered, his voice was muffled because his mouth was stuffed with some chocolate cake.

"No but I wouldn't put it past him." I laughed, "he made me stand next to the target board while Four threw knives at me. He said if I flinched I would have been factionless."

I watched their faces drop, "surely that's not allowed" Lexi said, a look of concern quick to flash over her. "Who knows," I reply, shrugging my shoulders. "He does what he wants, clearly. But words can't express how much I hate him."

"That actually sucks, I'm sorry your training was like that." Uriah said, looking at me with sympathy. "Cake to feel better?" He slid the plate towards me. "

I'd never say no to dauntless cake."

I dug a fork in, the sauce oozing out of it. This cake made everything better. Steph and Charlie joined us as I was wolfing it down, both with new ink on their arms. Steph had gone for a small dove on her wrist. "It's in memory of my grandma, who passed away. She loved doves." She said.

Charlie's was less sentimental. His upper right arm was covered in roses and vines, intertwined with each other. He said he got it to look "cool", and to be fair to him it did look cool.

I hadn't thought about getting anything like a tattoo or piercing yet, my mind had been so full with other things. Eric included. But now he was long gone from my mind, I decided to focus on other things; like making memories with my new friends.

"Lexi, let's get piercings!" I smiled, grabbing her hand. I knew she'd be down for that. "Oh my gosh yes!" She squealed, a smile stretching across her face. "I thought you'd never ask."

We ran down the dingy corridors, both as excited as each other. I was so lucky to have met Lexi when I transferred, the initiation just wouldn't be the same without seeing her at each meal time - I just wished I could train with her group.

The small piercing room stood out at the end of the upper corridor. It had neon red lights along the wall, and large metal walls. It was by far one of the coolest rooms in the compound.

We walked in and were greeting by a tall man. He had a long purple mohawk, and countless silver piercings in his face. "Hi girls, I'm Esh. I'll be your piercer today. What can I do for you?"

"I'd like my ears pierced please!" I smiled, Lexi nodding too. "Yeah same." She added.

I'd always wanted to wear small hoops in my ears, but it wasn't acceptable at amity. But here, it was beyond common. "Great choice! Can you follow me through to the back and we'll get that started?"

He wandered through the room, and we followed closely behind him. I listened as some music played softly through the speakers in the roof, adding to the unique vibe of the room.

He ushered us into a small room in the back right. It had a long white bed, and a small stand of drawers with a mirror hung above them. "Who wants to go first?" Esh asked.

Lexi said "me" straight away, and climbed onto the bed. I watched as Esh carefully disinfected her ear lobe and coated it in numbing cream. She picked a small gold pair of studs, and Esh grabbed a needle from the metal drawers. He unwrapped it, and attached the stud. I watched closely as he quickly pushed it through, preparing myself for what would happen to me.

She was quickly done, and ran to the mirror to admire them. The gold earrings complimented her well, she suited them.

I walked over to the bed as Esh began to prepare for me. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He showed me the options, and I picked a small pair of silver hoops. He gently cleaned my ear and numbed it, and I didn't even realise when it was done.

Like Lexi did, I rushed to the mirror and was immediately in love. The small hoops made my ears less boring, and made me feel like I belonged more at dauntless. I ran to Esh and thanked him for his work, and he gave me a pat on my back.

We left the bright room and headed back to the lower level. We walked past the initiates' dorm first, so I dropped Lexi off and continued my route back to bed alone.

I turned down the corridors, and went through the canteen, picking up an apple. I was peckish but didn't want a full meal, not before bed. I turned around and crashed into someone, immediately apologising. For goodness sake, why did I have to crash into someone? That's so embarrassing.

I looked up, and wanted the group to swallow me hole. That familiar blonde haired man gazed down at me, his eyes burning through me. I sighed, and tried barge past him. I wasn't a fan of him anymore, not after his stunt today.

He caught my arm as I stomped by, sending tingles down my veins. I stopped, turning back. "What?" I snarled, frowning at him. "What do you want?"

"What an earth was that in training today?" He shouted, his lip quavering from anger. "Not only did you make a fool of me, you put yourself at risk. What would I have done if the blade hit you, or if you flinched? Anything could have made that go so wrong."

I sighed. "Eric you know full well Al would have flinched. I couldn't just stand there and watch him become factionless, it wouldn't be fair."

His expression softened, and he almost looked proud, but I wasn't done. I wasn't going to let him off the hook, what he did was messed up.

"But how dare you shout at me like I was the bad guy." Fury pulsed through my body. "I don't know who you think you are, but this is clearly the real you. And I'm not being with someone so low life. Goodnight." I turned away rolling my eyes at him.

"Lucy wait that's not it-" he started, but I didn't care.

ALL MINE | eric coulter (NEW ACCOUNT-LVXRII)Where stories live. Discover now