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The faint sound of conversation filled the dorm, as we all got up bright and early for our first day of training.

I grabbed the outfit I wore to dinner yesterday, I'd left it hung over the end of my bed. I'd have to re wear it. I really needed to ask Lexi were I could find some new clothes.

I hurried to the bathroom, and cleaned myself. I looked at myself in the mirror, and pulled my hair into a tiny ponytail, looking as it trailed down my back. I smiled, looking at the dauntless teen that smiled back.

Four walked in to the dormitory, clapping his hands for our attention. "Please follow me."

We all scrambled behind him, and followed as he took us down the corridors. I wondered what we would be training.

He led us onto a large roof, that overlooked the city. On it, were orange mannequins lined up along the wall. The table on the far right held a pile of black guns, and I immediately realised what we would be learning.

"First, you will learn how to shoot a gun." Four said, looking around at us all. "Later, you will begin to learn how to fight."

A rush of excitement filled my body, we'd be covering all the best traits of being a dauntless warrior.

We lined up, and were each given a gun by Eric, and a small bag of bullets. My stomach felt fuzzy as I took the items from him. Four talked us through how we should hold the gun, and close one eye while looking down the barrel. He then showed us how to reload it.

I took the target on the far right, and a boy called Peter was next to me. We laughed as his bullets struggled to find the target.

I knelt down on the rock ground, positioning myself comfortably. I lent forward, and recreated how Four shot the target. Closing my right eye, I focused my left on the centre of the mannequin.

I patiently moved the gun around, waiting until I liked its position. I delicately pressed the gun and the bullet flew forwards, the back force pushing me away. The sound echoed through my head.

The bullet fired through the centre of the figure, and a sense of pride filled my body.


A cold, powerful voice filled the air, as a presence behind me became increasingly obvious. I turned to see Eric, his eyes on me.

My stomach began to flip, and my heart raced, as I met his gaze.

"You have a great aim, but need to reposition yourself to avoid the backlash."

He crouched down next to me, and I felt his cold hand on my waist. My breath slowed. He carefully turned my torso, and repositioned my arms.

"This is much better, try again."

I nodded, slowly repositioning the gun. I peered down the barrel and let the bullet fly forwards. It hit the centre again, and my body didn't receive the same impact as before.

I turned around, "thank you Eric." I said, a small smile spreading across my lips.

"Always" he said, and walked away.

I practiced all morning, taking shot after shot. Each bullet creating another whole in the central cluster I had created. I laughed as Peter tried control his jealousy, and helped teach him as Eric did to me. He seemed alright. I needed to make more transfer friends, as I wouldn't see Lexi during training.

I watched Eric as he scolded other initiates for their mistakes. Why did he help me, but scold them? Surely they need his help just as much as me?

I shook my head, that wasn't important right now. My priority was becoming a pro at using a gun.

ALL MINE | eric coulter (NEW ACCOUNT-LVXRII)Where stories live. Discover now