How to make pasta from Nightmare

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Not quite there but at least I'm posting.



It a beautiful day to make pasta and I'll teach you how to make pasta. I'll write lists of step by step cooking so follow along.

First, find Nightmare.

Conveniently, I'm right next to Nightmare in this chaotic, gloomy castle. It's wonderful in this fully black painted room with windows for escaping. I examined the storage room till I spot what I'm looking for. I walked up to the wall and grabbed the item. Then approached the goopy mess. 

"-is going to take a while. Perhaps, we'll have to raid a universe." I quietly walked behind the mumbling Nightmare. I raised the axe in my hand and slashed at his tentacles. One of his tentacles plopped to the floor and picked it up.

Ingredient obtained! 

It shined as I raised it up. As Nightmare's starting to notice what's happening, I dropped the axe I'm holding and immediately sprinted to gain some distance. I went straight for the window and jumped into the portal I made over the window while hugging the tentacle to not drop it. "Wai-," Nightmare's confused and startled voice sounded out from behind before the portal closed. 

Perfect escape! I'll just have to be careful next I visit his too big house. The scolding would be lessen since I did did not break the window, right? 

I shifted my attention to the grown baby size goop in my arms. It's limp as if it lost function from being cut off from its main body. Great! We should be on the next step now! Which is to find a kitchen! Now where should we find that in this literally empty, vast, and white anti void. 

I took a moment to think and stared into the white...

Yes! That's it! I just have to borrow someone else's kitchen! Let's go! I summoned a portal as I made my decision. I walked through it to arrive in a strangely colorful kitchen. It's clean enough for me to cook in it. I boldly dug through the fridge for some vegetables and meat which they gladly have. I also checked the cabinets for a pan and pot. We should be in the next step now! Cooking! 

I filled the pot I found with water and placed it on the stove. I turned the handle to max heat. As the water is heated up, I place the black goop on the cutting board and used the knife in the kitchen to cut it into thin strips. I also cut the vegetables and meat into smaller pieces. When the water boil, I inserted the black noodles into the boiling water. Since the noodles cooks very slowly, I cooked the meat and vegetables over medium heat on the side. By that time, the noodles should be done so I drained the noodles and added it to the pan with meat and veggies. As it takes a while to cook with some seasoning. It's done! 

I served the goop noodles on the table with the pan as a plate. Taste test! I slurped up the noodle with a fork. It tastes like a good amount of negativity! Enough to make you feel depressed! Feeling full now that I've finished eating, I got out of my seat and stretched. I should get out of here before they find me...

I turned my head outside the kitchen to see Dream starring at me with an indescribable expression.

 Time to leave! I open a portal underneath me. I free fall until I reached my comfy blue bean bag. A blessing in this anti-void. Not minding what had happened I spread a blanket over me and slept in satisfaction. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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