The only skeleton

917 36 4

"What if everybody disappeared without a trace and never came back?"


'Why do I feel a sudden emptiness?'

I look up from the knots of strings.

A vast white seem to stretch forever. 

'Is something wrong with the au's?'

I bring up the au codes to see any corruption. 

'There's nothing wrong with the multiverse.'

'There's something internal going on.'

'The fastest way is to personally check it out myself.'

I rip open a passage to a au.

What greets me is a cold snow forest.

'That's odd.'

'I don't feel any magic presence.'

'What's going on?'

I search for anyone while staying hidden in the background.


Not even in the hidden spots.

The barrier's still up. 

Something could have happened to make them disappear or escape through the barrier. 

But there's no exact lead to start from.

I'm not gonna get answers if I continue to stay in underground. 

I get my magic ready and teleport to the surface.


The sun seem to be high up in the sky.

The greens below look full of life. 

I gaze down from the cliff.

A town.

It's strangely quiet. 

I teleport onto a tall building.

There's nobody in sight from the view.

Maybe if I try from another perspective...


What's with the lack of people?

I hunt all around to end up empty handed. 

It's so weird. 

Everything looks they fresh poofed from what they were doing. 

There was no resistance to it. 

I found something similar underground. 

I should check the other au's if the same thing is happening or it's just this au. 

I connect to another au and enter it.


It's the same.

The same underground au with nobody in it. 

I lean against a tree and snack on someone's chocolate. 

This is nice, but I gotta find out the cause of all this. 

It could potentially affect the multiverse if I leave this alone. 

In fact, I already opened one-way portals to make it quicker-


"Are you kidding me?"

Every au I see is vacant. 

Even Undernovel!

They all packed their bags and left!

I mean technically they didn't pack their bags, but seriously!

Now I can't watch my favorite show!


"I will not forgive them..."

"Whoever did this..."

"I ' L L K I L L T H E M ! ! !"


Anyways, most of the main au's are empty, including Undertale the original au. 

Did they get taken away from their au since they can't die all of a sudden.

Somewhere that has a lots of room. 

But, why were they taken?

How are they able to do that with limited time?

I grip my head.

This is not getting anywhere. 

More questions are stacking on than answers

I hope it gets better....




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