Chapter 11: Addiction Symptoms

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The training routine went as planned. The main reason why Kyle wanted that many prisoners were due to the mental trauma inflicted on each prisoner after combat training. No prisoner could remain sane after being beaten up by twenty gang members in a row, continuously being healed.

"JUST LET ME DIE!" One of the Red Lion prisoners shook the pig iron bars of his temporary jail violently. They were segregated into separate cages, ensuring they couldn't help each other to break out.

"Shut up, idiot; they can't even hear you from inside this room," Lionel grumbled. It's only been a day since they got imprisoned, but already a few of the members' mental states were at an all-time low.

But there was someone else in the room who clearly had it much worse than anybody else, judging by the continuous groaning, moaning, scratching of nails against rusted metal and clattering of teeth. Lionel glanced over at the cage of Riker, who was lying on the floor, breaking out in a cold sweat and shivering.

Lionel wasn't particularly surprised to see Riker here after they were captured. Kyle was that strong, after all, so he didn't expect Riker to escape either.

"Fucking hell, what did they do to you? Potion overdose?" Lionel asked, but Riker barely registered the question, only turning and tossing about on the cold metal surface.

At this moment, the room's main door opened, revealing Kyle flanked by Damian.

Immediately the other Red Lions members started cursing and swearing at Kyle, blasting them with everything they had ever learnt in their short life within Raktor. Kyle simply raised an eyebrow at some of the more colourful expressions they had for him while Damian was lugging a sack of Stamina Recovery Potions, giving them one each.

Lionel grabbed the dark yellow potion flask, still slightly astonished at how many the Seven Snakes had. This was the third one they'd received since they arrived here. Going by Haui's price, it meant Kyle had spent more than a thousand eight hundred on each prisoner. Is this guy loaded or what?

He noticed Damian didn't give Riker any Stamina Recovery Potions, but the moment Riker's eyes met Lionel's and saw the potion in his hand, Riker turned into some sort of feral beast, lunging at the potion. The bars barely restrained him as Riker forced his arm through, trying to reach for Lionel.

"How many days has it been?" Kyle asked Damian.

"About four full days since we stopped, sir."

"Hmm, he still seems a bit too feisty. Open the cage."

Damian carried out the order, immediately opening the cage. Riker pounced on Kyle, but Kyle immediately parried his attacks and flipped him onto the ground, slamming him down hard.

Riker gagged, a slight froth coming out from his mouth, but he was far too weak to sit up. Lionel could tell Riker had not eaten for maybe a day or so. The food platter was still filled in the cage, with Riker barely touching it at all.

Kyle dragged Riker away from the room, with Damian, shutting the door behind them. A cold shiver ran down Lionel's spine. What in the world are they attempting to do?

Riker was tossed into a spare empty room and tied onto a wooden chair, with only Kyle being the other person inside.

"How are you feeling?"

"f...fuck you..." Riker was still in a cold sweat, his eyes bloodshot as he tried to keep his head up facing Kyle.

Kyle placed his hands on Riker's shoulder, who began to struggle but was unable to break free of the ropes and Kyle's iron grip.

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