Chapter 8: Black Sun V.S Bilgenia Round 2

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): "*Alex....*" He thought himself and make him look at the man who was sat there and he was turn his head to look away and then Usagi who turn her head to look over there and she saw the bike for what the other man who was driving and she thinking it is beautiful and awesome. Then she was turn her head to look at the driver who was drive there and she sense something about him like she could seen him had a power but maybe power even compared than (Y/N) with Kamen Rider power.

Usagi: "*Who is this guy?*" She thought and then the light turn on green and then (Y/N) heard the whisper comes from his old friend Alex.

Alex: "See you later, old friend." He said to (Y/N) and this make him was surprise for what he heard the same voice from someone that he really remembered him before and then the driver who drove his white bike away and leave (Y/N) with Usagi there and this make (Y/N) narrow his eyes at the driver and then (Y/N) drove his bike going faster to heading out to the school right away.

When the two of them made it to the school already and they both were take their own studying with the homework right away and then they both made it right on the time and yep they just made it right on the time because they are going to be having fun. Then (Y/N) was sat there and chilling for himself and make him turn his head to look at Usagi who was feeling happy about (Y/N) is been with her forever all the times and he was protecting at her and he always does cares about her for protection and he will keep her safe away from those whoever hurt her and causes pain at her.

There was a figure who outside by himself and that must be Alex who was stood right there by himself and he was watching at (Y/N) who was sat there and studying his homework and then he was smirk up and he said.

Alex: "I hope you will have your own journey, friend." He said to him and make him was start the engine of his bike and begin to driving away from here and he was heading out to somewhere else by himself and then he was heading back to do his own work as a hero like (Y/N) fighting at the bad guys, and kaijins too.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was in the lunchroom and he was ate his sandwich with Usagi and the two of them were sat there by themselves and they both were ate their foods right away and then (Y/N) just sat there by himself and holding a cup of soda and drinking it. Then (Y/N) was turn his head to look at Usagi who was sat there and she just really happy and she drinking the milk by herself and then (Y/N) with Usagi heard the footsteps comes from the girls who were walking to here  and then they both turn their heads to look at Usagi's friends.

When the girls were walking to (Y/N) with Usagi and the two of them were sat there and then they both saw the girls are here and take a seat with (Y/N) and Usagi also they both ask their questions at (Y/N) and Usagi about what happened like the two of them hang out with their own dating right now and then (Y/N) with Usagi are blushes and they don't know how did they find out about the two of them were meet together and then they both don't know how to says anything.

After the two of them were talking to each others and then they both were planning to do something about date with each others and then (Y/N) was turn his head to look at her who was smile and she was lean herself to the arm of (Y/N). This make the girls who were jealous about the bunny-head girl was leaning on his arm and make (Y/N) smile at her and then before the group are gonna talk and (Y/N) sense something in his head and make him was heard there was a danger coming up here right away.

Out of nowhere a huge alarm with blow up and make the students who duck their heads down on the ground and then they both turn their heads to look at the light over there was an hole comes from the wall. When they both saw there was a villain who was the enemy of Black Sun and that is Bilgenia and then (Y/N) was with Usagi surprise like WTF and how did he get here fast as they could.

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