16.Love Beyond Sight.

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After spending eight delightful yet challenging days at my sister's home, exploring the city, I finally boarded the flight back home. Those days were a mix of fun and difficulty, mainly because I couldn't meet my girlfriend again. Our communication had dwindled, as texting freely around my relatives was nearly impossible.

Returning home, I rekindled our communication and cherished every moment, be it watching K-dramas and movies online or simply texting. She's the love of my life, my soulmate, and every moment with her felt like a treasure.

Time flew by like clouds, and we celebrated our 100 days of togetherness online. We spent our days watching, talking, and FaceTiming.There was a time when my overthinking skyrocketed, and insecurity wrapped its icy grip around my heart. The thought of losing her haunted my every waking moment. What if she found someone captivating at her new university? What if someone's charm lured her away, and she forgot about me? These relentless doubts gnawed at my soul, and I knew I had to express my fears to her.

One evening, I gathered the courage to share my deepest anxieties with her. She listened patiently, her eyes filled with understanding and empathy. Her soft smile eased my troubled mind as she reassured me sweetly, "I would never let anyone flirt with me, and no one could ever propose to me. I'd kick them off if they dared to." She chuckled, emphasizing the "kick" as a playful jest.

With those words, she gave me reassurance. "You're stuck with me for a lifetime," she added with a grin. The truth was, I didn't need any other option because she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

Then, to my surprise during our FaceTime call, she surprised me by singing a song. Her voice, soft and angelic, filled the digital space as she sang "A Thousand Years" and "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran. I melted at the melodious sound, a symphony of emotions swirling within me. She confessed that she had never sung a song for anyone before, and I was the first to hear her sing.
She told me she sang because she wanted to ease my overthinking .
I was awestruck, my heart soaring with joy.

In that moment, I felt an overwhelming sense of specialness. Her gestures of love and care touched the deepest corners of my heart. She made me feel cherished in ways I had never imagined. With her, my inner child always felt safe, and I treasured every second we spent together.

As I lay in bed that night, tears of happiness streamed down my face, the memory of her singing etched into my soul. I felt incredibly blessed to have her in my life, knowing that our love was a melody that would play for a lifetime, truly melodies of our Love.

Then came a challenging period as my girlfriend underwent eye surgery, shedding her spectacles for good. She endured the restrictions on reading, watching TV, and using her mobile.

She asked her mom to call me, and we played word games, talked about random topics, and even though something was missing, we remained strong. My anxiety surfaced as we faced the prospect of being apart for a whole month without FaceTiming and only talking through calls. But she reassured me with love and understanding.

After two weeks, she got permission to FaceTime for 5 minutes a day. My cravings for more time with her were insatiable. As my semester exams approached, and she started her master's at a university, we clung to our connection.

That one month tested our love, but we emerged victorious. My girlfriend's ability to make time for me, no matter how challenging life became, never ceased to amaze me. She truly is extraordinary.

Stay tuned for more chapters in the journey of our love, where distance and obstacles only strengthen our bond.

My Soulmate ( A real-life love story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang