Unleash Your Patronus Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

But y/n wanted to learn more, and her concern made her eager to ask for more information. "Penny, do you remember anything else? Anything at all?" Penny furrowed her brow in concentration, trying to look for more information in her fuzzy memories. But try as she might, she was unable to. "I'm trying, Y/N, but it's all so fuzzy. I wish I could tell you more."

Recognising that Penny couldn't recall any more details of the incident, y/n decided to leave the hospital wing to investigate the place where they found Penny's unconscious body. Tonks and Talbott followed suit, but Penny had requested to speak to Talbott for a while. Tonks then reassured the two that she'd help y/n and left to follow her.

Penny turned her attention to Talbott, her expression serious. She knew that there was something she needed to discuss with him, something that had been on her mind for a while.

"Talbott," Penny began, her voice soft but determined. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something important." Talbott nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Of course, Penny. What is it?" Penny hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts. "It's about Y/N," she finally said. I know you and y/n have been much closer than before. She told me what happened a while back," she said, alluding to his hasty decision to break their friendship. "I just want to know... how are you? Do you want to tell me something to tell me?" she added. Talbott's expression remained neutral, but there was a flicker of emotion in his eyes. "Yes, we have. Y/N is a good friend."

Penny nodded, her gaze unwavering, but she was smiling at him. "I can see that. But I also see something more, something that you might not even be aware of." His brows furrowed slightly in shock as he tried to comprehend what she was getting at, even though he had a vague guess of what it is. "What do you mean?" Penny sighed unconvinced with his confusion. "Talbott, it's clear to me that you care about Y/N deeply, and I think she cares about you just as much. There's something about you two that goes beyond that..."

Talbott's gaze dropped to the floor for a moment, his thoughts racing. He had made sure to keep his feelings for y/n buried deep inside so no one would know, but it seems like Penny had managed to notice the close bond between him and y/n. Penny continued, her voice gentle. "I just wanted to say that if you have feelings for y/n, you shouldn't be afraid to acknowledge them or tell her..." her words made Talbott sure that she really did find out his secret. "Are you going to try and pursue her?" she asked with a mischievous grin.

Talbott avoided her eyes as his cheeks flared red. "Thanks, Penny, but I... I don't." he answered. Penny frowned at his answer, but she saw that he didn't want to elaborate more on the topic. "We can be afraid of the things that can bring us happiness." Penny said with a warm smile. Then she steers away from it all together and discusses a different topic as they wait for y/n and Tonks to share what they discover.


"Expecto Patronum!" Y/n heard Tonks shout as she lost her balance, falling down the snowy ground, trying to desperately cry out in anguish as the haunting memory of her crying mother when they received the news of Jacob's disappearance. A bright white light from Tonks' wand was pushing away the hunch floating dark, shadowy figure away from her prone body. Y/n had to lean heavily on Tonks as they moved to one of the benches nearby. She had to rub her arms to regain some warmth, her breath visible in the cold as her whole body just wanted to collapse from exhaustion.

"Thank you, Tonks. It felt like all the warmth was being sucked out of me." she murmured weakly.

"What did you do? I cast the Knockback Jinx, but it wasn't effective," Y/N said, rubbing her arms in an attempt to feel warmer. "Yeah, the only spell that can truly fend off a dementor is the patronus charm," Tonks explained, her gaze still watchful, thinking the dark creature would return.

"The Patronus Charm? Not many witches or wizards our age can perform it, let alone master it! How did you do it?" Y/N asked, awe and surprise evident in her voice.

"I'll explain everything later, but right now, we need to get you back inside the castle; you're freezing," Tonks insisted, helping Y/N to her feet. She could only nod in agreement as Tonks led her back to the welcoming warmth of the castle.

Once they reached the Great Hall, they decided it was the best place to seek comfort and discuss the unsettling encounter. "It was only after we split up that I realised the unnatural cold Penny mentioned could be the work of a dementor," Tonks shared, her voice serious. Together, they discussed their theories about 'R' and the danger the dementor will cause to the school. Y/N asked Tonks to help her learn the Patronus Charm, a request that Tonks initially hesitated to accept but ultimately agreed to after some persuasion.

The time passed with Y/N and Tonks studying and brainstorming which memory would be the most powerful for Y/N to use for her Patronus Charm. They even made plans for pranks together, trying to find the right memory that would be used to give the most positive emotion.

Finally, as they sat waiting for the results of their prank, Tonks couldn't help but ask about Y/N's true motivation for wanting to master the Patronus Charm. "I want to prove that I'm strong enough to protect my friends," Y/N confessed, her eyes full of conviction as they then discussed the mysterious note they had found earlier, which they surmised to be from 'R'.

Their training and prank planning continued, but it took an unexpected turn when Merula showed up, claiming that she had been eavesdropping on them since overhearing their conversation in the Great Hall. With some reluctance, Tonks agreed to include Merula in their Patronus Charm lessons, just because she trusts y/n's judgement.

To be continued.

A/N: See you in the next part!

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